Re: Re: Topic: Hair Fetish Secret or Not

by UrbanHermit

El Zoef, I hope you're reading this. It illustrates exactly why most of can't be honest with our other halves about our long hair thing, no matter how much we'd like to be.

Most women are like this poster and simply cannot (or will not) understand that many, many men (I'd say the majority) like to look at other women and the sort of stuff we have here, and yet would never dream of cheating on their partners. It's like two separate compartments to our lives. It's just the way men are made, and no amount of protest is going to change it.

Mind you, I think this particular lady's response is exceptionally violent. I think her attitude's been soured by having a very jealous husband. If I were a woman and had a husband like that, I too would think he was a hypocrite if I could him looking at porn.