Re: Re: Topic: Hair Fetish Secret or Not

by doonit2001

We are brothers in this secret - or not so secret - fraternal order of underground married long-hair fetishists. We've got to coin a term for ourselves.

So, how do you guys store your collections. I used to have about 6 cds full of longhair nudie shots back before the internet video became the order of the day. I confess I now prefer to see longhaired hotties actually move and do things. Anyway, I finally became to scared of someone getting ahold of 'em and popping them into some computer to check them out that I started carrying them around with me in my briefcase all the time, as nobody ever goes in there besides me. Carried 'em in there all the work, to meetings, home, everywhere. And I always still worried that my wife might one day decide to see what I actually keep in my briefcase and check out one of those shiny bland cd's full of fingerprints...insert sound of heart thumping/pumping here. If I went out of town, I felt I had to mislabel them, stash them somewhere deep in an old, unused file at the bottom of my desk or in my office file cabinet....but then I'd wonder...if my plane goes down, they're going to find this shit in my office....Yikes!! So, one day I took a scissors to each of those disks and vowed never to collect their like again.

So, now a couple years and 10 cd's worth of primo hardcore longhaired hotty fuck videos later....I find myself nearing that crossroads once again. The shit's radioactive, for Chrissakes....I've got GIGS of this stuff on disk and no truly secure place for it. What do you all do?