Whatever happened to...

by Gayle

Whatever happened to:-

1) Diane Witt. She was the queen of the long haired - believe her hair was about 13 feet in about 1993. Does anybody speak to her or know of her situation. Has all her hair gone. Has anyone any videos.

2) Susanne Kalb. Her site just stopped dead in 2003. Again has anyone any up-dates?

3) Katrin - her of the long braid. Her site is also long dead - is her hair too?

4) Cindy Christian - we know she chopped all her hair off but does anybody know how she is doing now? Has anyone got the video of her hair being cut - could they post it? Sad

5) BJ - had a baby. How is she doing - is she managing her hair too?

6) Any updates on any other long-haired queens? Videos? Pictures?