wellcum to ninja's. cool forum, huh.?.
i will be glad to help you with your camera
and uploading your pics. just ask, if any questions.
i like the fact that hubby has longhair.
i would, if my wife would let me,,BUTT,,she likes it short.
[i do xxxactly what she likes and visa versa]
if you wood, tell us how ya'll longhair is a part of your making love.
laying on the bed, nekid, this mornin,
wifie brought my coffee and layed her head on my stomach,
like a pillow, while i drank it. we talked ''love/future''.
she raised up and wrapped longdong with every silky hair, of hers.
we talked some more.
then, came the l_o_n_g__s_l_o_w__k_i_s_s_i_n_g
[my fav part]
¢s i don't know you, yet, i won't go in2 details
let me tell you
her hair, and everything else, is part of our makeing love
[we don't call it 'sex']