Chill back at ya bro! (nl)

by Alain

Come on pc... read my post and tell me were I wasn't nice to Besley.

I had a wink in my subject to "hint" that I was making a joke by calling it "almost spam" and I wished him good luck in closing.


You obviously felt attacked that I never visited your forum. Otherwise I see no point in your post to me as I was never "not nice" to Besley.

But it is true that some folks have thiner skins on the web and canot take a joke/hint (or don't see it at first... and have to have someone point it to them... I don't know why).

Shit man, English is not even my first language and I get most of the small jokes and play on words I read on the web.

My initial reply to Besley was posted because I had seen your recent post (with all the jokes inserted in the links... quite well done...) in which I remembered seeing a link to your forum. I knew (... or at least i thought) it should be easy to find for him.

Have a great weekend.
