My sister's gorgeous long hair

by Andy

I have always loved long hair, long straight and silky. It all started when I was about 10 and I first started to have ‘feelings’ for girls. I can remember seeing an old black and white picture in a magazine of a pretty woman who had long blonde hair. It was my first crush and I cut the picture out and hid it in a book, looking at it often in secret. From that moment on, I became ‘aware’ of girls, especially those girls who had long blonde hair.

And so it was that my love for long hair started, but initially it was long blonde hair. When I was 13, there was a girl on my school bus called Alexis who had the most wonderful long blonde hair and I would always try to stand behind her and ‘accidentally’ brush against her or even better, stand ‘way’ too close so her lovely hair brushed my face. I never had the courage to ask her out, but even if I had have done she would have refused as I was much to much of a geek, and she was a very sought after babe…. not a good match.

Then there was my sister…. she had worn her hair long ever since I could remember and when I was 15, she was 18. She had brown, almost auburn hair…. long and dead straight. I had never noticed it (or her) until my fondness for long hair had started with Alexis on the school bus. But once I ‘discovered’ long hair, I started to look at my sister in a slightly different way. No longer was she just a boring pain in the ass who bossed me about all the time, but she suddenly starting taking on new qualities. Sure, she still liked to boss me around and I would still find her unbelievably annoying, but I also starting finding myself trying to peek at her when she was brushing her hair, or as she removed the tie from her ponytail to watch her hair fall loose.

And then one day, my whole life changed. She came downstairs having just washed and blow-dried her hair, it was still damp and she had her hairbrush in her right hand. Our mum and dad were in the room as she walked in with me sitting on the seat next to where she sat down. “Will someone brush my hair for me please?” Elizabeth asked. Not wanting to sound to keen, I kept quiet for a moment…. but as she looked round to see if anyone had heard her, I appeared to be the only one who seemed to be showing the remotest of interest, but of course my apparent lack of interest was complete pretence. “Oh OK then” I said shrugging my shoulders slightly. I took the brush from her hand and started to brush very gently. I touched her hair and it was electricity to my hand, it felt so incredibly silky and soft…. I stroked her hair as I brushed it… it was beautiful. It was so straight, so shiny and it seemed to reflect different colours as it swayed. And OH the smell was fantastic. I wanted to bury my face in her hair for a lifetime. I continued to brush and she must have known how much I was enjoying it, I’m sure she really liked it too, she had a smile on her face which I could see now and then. I must have brushed for twenty minutes or so and I didn’t want to stop. I had a raging errection and was actually afraid to move in case I embarrassed myself. My head was light and spinning and I was transfixed with how beautiful Elizabeth’s hair was. Eventually, she turned and thanked me but said she had to go. It was like cutting a limb from my body, but I said that I would be happy to do it again anytime.

From then on, things were slightly different between Elizabeth and I. Whenever we looked at each other, there was a much more sincere and affectionate smile between us. And she actually started to talk to me, not just as a brother but almost as a friend, even though I was almost three years younger than her.

Two days later, she came downstairs again with slightly damp hair and a brush in her hand. “Would you mind Andrew?” she asked handing the brush to me, she didn’t need to finish the question. Our mother was in the room, but of course said ‘not at all’ immediately whilst reaching for the brush. Again I brushed her hair with the same results… electricity, smell, touch, errection!! I sat behind her caressing her beautiful hair as I brushed.

This happened quite a few times over the next few weeks and each time I brushed Elizabeth’s hair, I got a little more comfortable with doing so, going from only touching her hair where I absolutely needed to, to putting my hand on her waist or quite literally massaging her head and caressing her neck as I brushed. God, I got so turned on each time and I became acutely aware that I was starting to desire Elizabeth sexually… in a major way. I also noticed that she had started to close her eyes as I brushed her hair and even that her breathing started to become somewhat deeper and more concentrated. Our ‘glances’ at each other also seemed to be less and less like brother and sister as time went on and we started getting a bit ‘playful’ with each other now and then – she’d elbow me as she walked passed or I would gently pull her hair. And then sometimes, I’d walk up behind her and stroke her hair and say something like “Oh Elizabeth, looks like your hair needs some love”, to which she’d normally just turn and smile.

This went on for a very long time, at least a year and for all that time, I would regularly brush her hair. This ‘intimacy’ between us really started to get us close as brother and sister and even as friends. She rarely got her hair cut and she would wear it just below her shoulder blades, almost to the small of her back. To my mind, she was just perfect and I started to fantasise about her, which left me feeling very guilty.

One day, when I was left alone in the house, I looked for a picture of her. I searched her room, the lounge (where our parents kept most of the family pictures) and finally the spare bedroom and in a storage cupboard high up, I hit the jackpot. I found a pack of photos that I guess my parents had considered weren’t family photos, but one of them was absolutely ideal for me. It was a picture of Elizabeth taken in her final year at school – she must have been 16 or 17. Her hair hung loose over her shoulders and she looked so pretty. I ran a cold sweat at finding it… I was so excited and immediately rushed to my bedroom and masturbated whilst screaming Elizabeth’s name.

Elizabeth had been talking for some time about moving out and getting a flat of her own and she had now found one that she felt was right for her. I too was planning to go away to college. Consequently, we both knew that this ‘psudeo-intimate’ relationship that we had started was going to end at some point. When I stopped to think about it, I became sad and at that point I hadn’t really realised just how much I was falling in love with her. I often wondered how she felt.

Some weeks later and faced with her impending move away from home into her own flat, she was stood at the sink washing up, her long hair loose and shiny behind her back. The house was empty apart from the two of us. We started talking and she said how much she would miss my touch… I knew what she meant and she sounded emotional as she said it. I told her I was really going to miss her too but hoped she would visit me when I was at college. She promised she would. Whilst we were still talking, I slowly walked up behind her and started stroking her hair. She continued to talk for a few minutes and I listened, transfixed by the beauty of her looks, her voice and of course her hair. Then she stopped what she was doing and fell silent, but she remained looking forward. I noticed she had closed her eyes but I continued to gently stroke her hair. I also started to caress the back and side of her neck. She stood with her eyes closed, her breathing getting heavier. I gradually leant forward until my face was very close to the back of her head. I could now feel her hair on my face but her eyes remained closed, she must have felt my breath on her neck. I gently pulled her back to me, wrapping my arms around her, my heart pounding but she didn’t resist and I very gently kissed her neck just behind her ear. She groaned very softly and turned her face to mine. She opened her eyes and we looked at each other, only a couple of inches apart. How I wanted to kiss her, how I wanted to pick her up and take her up to my room, how I wanted to make love to her. But just as things might have developed, the front door slammed and our mother shouted “Hello, I’m home”. Instinctively knowing that no one could see us, I very quickly leant forward and kissed Elizabeth on the lips, which lasted no more than half a second. As I pulled away I whispered “I love you Elizabeth, I want to see you again”. It was a pretty stupid thing to say, as I would obviously see her again, she was my sister for goodness sake. But she clearly knew the meaning of my comment because as I backed away such that our posture didn’t look suspicious to any onlooker, she nodded her head and whispered back softly “OK”.

The next couple of days were agony… I just wanted to be alone with Elizabeth, especially as she had in so many words said that she felt the same way for me as I did for her. But because she was moving away, our mum and dad were everywhere that she was, helping her to pack, sort out her things, clean her new flat, move, settle in, get comfortable and generally keep her company. The strange thing about my sister was that she didn’t have a boyfriend and I later found out that this was mainly because she had very small breasts that made her very self-conscious and consequently she lacked confidence. I always thought this was crazy as she is a gorgeous looking girl. So dad was playing the good father bit, helping at every available opportunity. I of course also helped wherever I could, but I became very frustrated at the lack of opportunity to be alone with her. Every night, and many times during the day, I got out her picture and fantasised about making love to her. I was completely entranced by her, obsessed with her, drowning in her, my own sister! I often wondered how I had come to let myself fall so deeply in love with her in this way, but realised it had grown inside me like a virus or a cancer over a long period of time and now there was nothing I could do to change it. It was in me, it had grown and now I couldn’t remove it.

The following day, dad asked me if I would help him take round a table to Elizabeth’s flat. I of course agreed and we disassembled the table and loaded it into the car… lucky my dad had an estate car at that time. It took us half an hour or so to get to her flat and as we parked up I could see Elizabeth looking out of the window. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of days and although I had seen her flat before she agreed to rent it, this was the first time I had seen it as ‘her’ flat. As I walked up to the door she opened it, dad was still fumbling around in the car. She smiled a gorgeous smile at me and said “hello little brother, fancy seeing you here! Come on in.”. I smiled at her as I walked in. As I entered the front door Elizabeth grabbed my hand and yanked me into the kitchen. “Now, where were we?” she said, still holding my hand…. “Oh yes!!” and with that she leant over to me and kissed me on the lips. This was better than I could possibly have imagined and a good sign that she had missed me as much as I had missed her. But unfortunately, for the second time our quick kiss was interrupted only this time it was dad saying “Hello, Elizabeth, hello!!”.

We both walked out of the kitchen completely innocently and I went to help dad get the table in. It didn’t take long to assemble the table and get it into place… it was for the kitchen and Elizabeth already had four high chairs waiting for something to sit at. Dad asked if we’d like a cup of coffee to which we both said yes. We sat at the table drinking our coffee talking about the small garden Elizabeth had acquired at the back of her flat. As she had the ground floor flat, the garden was hers, meaning she had to look after it, which was a bit of a two edged sword really. All the time we were talking, I had been trying hard not to look longingly at Elizabeth… she was so gorgeous! It was also pretty obvious to me that she had washed and brushed her hair not long before we had arrived. I so much wanted to touch her.

Not long later, dad turned to me and said “OK Andrew, I need to get back home, so shall we go?”. These were the words I really hadn’t wanted to hear, but Elizabeth made up for it by saying “Oh Andrew, I don’t suppose you’d stay for a while and help me cut the lawn will you? You don’t mind do you dad? I could drop Andrew back later”. Dad smiled at me and said “No at all, I guess you’re lumbered lad!!” With that he said his goodbye’s and walked to the car. We stood outside and waved him off. My heart started to pound, my lips went dry and my face seemed to drain of all blood, probably feeding the enormous errection I had just developed at the thought of being alone with Elizabeth. She turned to me and said “let’s go in”. I followed her, but before I could grab her she had disappeared, returning moments later with a brush. “If you wouldn’t mind..” she said, ”..follow me”.

We walked to her room and sat on her bed. She handed me the brush without saying a word and as I took it, she turned away expectantly. I looked at her hair hanging behind her and raised my hands to it, leaving the brush on the bed. I let my fingers slip into her hair and felt it’s softness. With one hand, I then ran my fingers up her back, underneath her hair, over her neck and onto the back of her head, very gently. At this point her hair again became entwined in my fingers and I pulled my hand to my face bringing her hair with me. Again, the smell of her freshly washed hair was fantastic, the feel on my hands was electric and the feel of her neck was so soft. Her eyes were firmly closed and she had a slight smile on her face. I changed my position and sat behind her with one leg either side of hers. I picked up the hairbrush and started to brush and stroke her hair slowly. I continued transfixed in this way for some minutes before my natural urge to kiss her finally overcame me, and I started to kiss the side of her head, just behind her ear, with every stroke of the brush. After a couple of minutes of this, Elizabeth turned her face to mine and whispered “I love you Andrew”. I looked into her eyes and we were both completely still, just staring as deeply into each other as we could. Slowly, I put down the hairbrush and raised my fingers into her hair and behind her head. Cradling her head in my hand I pulled her to me and our lips touched. Only this time there was nothing to distract us, no one to interrupt us and nothing to stop us. It was just my gorgeous sister and I in a wonderful, beautiful, loving moment. Our lips became more connected and our tongues met in tender harmony. I put my arms around her and pulled her close, the intensity of my passion rapidly building. She was turned sideways and was melting into my arms. I wanted her unbelievably and I could sense her desire for me also.

I moved my legs from behind her and lowered her onto the bed, her hair spraying onto her pillow. I laid on top of her, wrapping my arms around her like she was the only thing left in the world of importance to me, and we kissed, our tongues taking on a new urgency. I was overwhelmed with desire for her, my own sister, and our kissing intensified. I removed my arms from around her and held her face. I wanted to be deep within her very soul, to be at one with her. How could a love and desire this strong be wrong?

I broke our kiss briefly and said “Elizabeth, I want to make love to you… now!”. She looked at me and said “Oh God, we shouldn’t….” but the look in her face betrayed her verbal protest. I started unbuttoning my shirt, but before I’d got to the second button, Elizabeth grabbed the bottom on the shirt and yanked it above my head. I did the same to her, lifting her teashirt over her head, her hair falling softly behind her. I unbuttoned her jeans and as she stood up to drop them to the floor, I had my first sight of her panties… and boy were they wet! I duly unbuttoned my jeans also and kicking them away with me foot, my errection revealed itself to her from behind my boxer shorts. She let out a small gasp and said “Oh God Andrew, how can this be wrong…..? make love to me now!”

I took off my boxer shorts allowing my cock to spring free and she laid back on the bed, her delicious panties oh so tempting but still around her hips. I grabbed them and as I carefully pulled them over her legs and ankles she said softly “it’s OK, I’m on the pill”. God, what a fantastic and exciting thing to hear from any gorgeous girl when you are a sixteen year old guy full of testosterone, but when it is your phenomenally gorgeous sister that you hear it from, it tends to significantly heighten the excitement.

So there we were, brother and sister naked, both moist and in full anticipation of our pending union. I laid back on top of her and our bodies touched together for the first time. Her breasts were indeed small, but I didn’t care, in fact to me they were perfect. Our stomachs met and my cock instinctively went to the opening it oh so craved to enter. We laid still for some seconds, looking into each others eyes, both breathing really heavily and my cock twitching longingly between her legs. My head lowered the three inches required for my mouth to lock onto hers and we again kissed passionately. Within seconds, I carefully moved forward and felt my cock at the opening of her vagina. Elizabeth let out a small cry… “Yes, Oh God Yes!!” My heart was beating so hard that I could feel the pulsating in my head. I moved further forward and my cock slipped into her vagina bringing a gasp from us both. “Oh Christ I love you Elizabeth” I said as I thrust deeply into her. I kissed her neck, her face, her head, her mouth…. in fact I just couldn’t kiss her in enough places. Our incestuous union was complete and I didn’t want it to stop. But, I could feel my passion for my sister and my excitement at being deep inside her begin to overwhelm me and I knew I wouldn’t be able to control it for long. Elizabeth could sense this and said “Oh God, I’m gonna cum”. That was the final straw and with a final thrust as deep as I could go into her, we both exploded. My orgasm was the most intense orgasm I ever experienced and it lasted forever. Every time it felt like I was almost empty, I felt Elizabeth shaking and groaning below me, I saw her eyes rolled into the back of her head and my orgasm intensified again. The experience of cumming inside my own sister was just staggering and before our orgasms were complete, I again locked my mouth over hers and we kissed passionately once more.

We laid there together for sometime, possibly 30mins, but we had both drifted off to sleep. As I came round, my eyes opened to see Elizabeth’s beauty in front of me. Her head was facing mine and I immediately realised that I had not been dreaming. Moving my hips slightly, I realised that whilst my cock was now soft, I was still inside her. But within seconds of this realisation, my cock was swollen and hard again. I kissed her lightly on the lips and my hand went to her breast. Her eyes fluttered and opened and she looked at me, smiled and said “Jesus Andrew, that was fantastic”. She obviously felt my hardness inside her again and I softly said “round two?”. Elizabeth nodded with a big grin and with one swift motion we turned over such that she was now on top of me. It was an extremely impressive move as I had remained inside her. Now Elizabeth was in control and her face came down to meet mine, her hair all over my chest and face, it was fantastic. She kissed me with real urgency and then started kissing my neck. I closed my eyes and loved every split second of what was happening to me. Elizabeth then kissed my chest and her hips were moving and bucking, causing her vagina to caress and swallow my cock. I opened my eyes to see her face staring at me with a look of desire that I have never witnessed before or since. “OH GOD, OH GOD” she screamed…. “OH GOD I LOVE YOU ANDREW”… her voice now shrill and out of control as she came for the second time. That must be one of the sexiest things a guy could witness… his gorgeous sister cumming from their incestuous union!

Elizabeth collapsed on top of me, gasping for breath. “Oh my God” she said “that was the best orgasm ever!”. I was still inside her with my cock stiff, sensitive and aching to explode again. We rested there to let Elizabeth ‘recover’, her face buried into my neck and her warm breath rippling over my chest. After a couple of minutes I asked if we could change positions and told Elizabeth I wanted to cum inside her again. She happily agreed and so I asked her to lay face down. I took her hair and smoothed it out over and down her back until it looked like silk. Carefully, I laid on top of her and re-inserted my cock back into her vagina, again we both gasped as I push deep into her. She turned her head sideways on the pillow and my view of her was just perfect. I kissed her neck, head and cheek as I pumped into her, my hands stroking and caressing her hair. I leant forward and turning my head sideways we engaged in a passionate side-on kiss. Kissing her, seeing her gorgeous face, feeling her hair on my chest, feeling her bottom on my hips and groin, feeling my my fingers and hands on her hair was just way too much and I immediately exploded into her, my incestuous sperm filling her vagina. I kept pumping, she kept kissing and I was in heaven!!