my feeling about long hair fetish

by mike

hello everybody,

I hope you are all enjoying this site like I am. I just found this website few days ago. Before I found this site I knew few long hair beauties such as Penny, Lena Li, Domino and few more pornstar and I enjoyed just looking at their beautiful hair. Sometime when I don't look at those pics I would just fantasize about all beatiful models around me with their long hair wrapped around my private part and all over the body, smelling them and touching them and within few secs sperm would be all over the place.

I got never tired of looking those same models over and over because Penny, Lena and Domino have hair that you can never get tired of looking at it but finally I decided that I was needed more and after doing some research I finally got to this site and it changed my life because when I go to any porn site I would look nothing but their hair and if they are not long enough masterbation would be cancel on her and then I would go look for next one until I find someone with long hair and if I don't find anyone then I would end up doing on lena, penny or domino. So now you can tell how huge long hair fetish I have.

Before I found this site I though I would be the only crazy guy to have nasty thought about women's long hair but after I found this site I felt so good that now I am joining this whole group of people who has more nastier long hair fetish than I do. (wink)

I always had a dream about the girl that I would want to spend rest of my life and it was hard for me to describe and finally I actually saw her in real life who just took my breath away and she is no other than my lovely FoxyAnya. that' s right she is the one that I have been masterbating ever since I found this site. She is just so amazing. I just don't have words to describe her beauty and her long soft, silky, dark, sexy looking hair. I mean I just looked at her video and I felt like I was in heaven. I would be the luckiest guy if I will ever just get to see her in reality and just touch that handful of hair. So I hope that my story wasn't too boring for you and I sure would like to hear your long hair fetish story so just do it aight?

This is for all sexy long hair women out there

If you would like to be played with your long hair please feel free to email me back. Please give me a chance and I promise you won't regret it. Now I feel like I need more than just a look. Now I need to be touching it, smelling it, and playing with it.

email me at