
by JR

Hi to all;

I've been watching this site for some time. Actually I surfed for "long hair" for other reasons. My wife had the greatest hair, a pony tail over one and one half inch thick. She worked on wall street and resisted the predudice to cut her hair and wore in to past her waist!

I used to take care of it for her as it was a pleasure.

She passed away very quickly, over three months due to cancer. (I won't share those pics.)

So, one night after three years and a lot of business travel I stopped at a local bar on a return trip from Europe and met a wonderful women with an equally incredile head of hair, down to below her butt, more important she is a wonderful human being. She sang with POCO and backup for the Eagles. Two years ago she lost her head of hair to cancer and it is now back down to the middle of her back.. An icredible full head of hair, she calls in "fur" not "hair", great sense of humor all things considered.

So, after a year of watchiing this site I posted a nondescripe picture serveral posts down and thank you Romeopapa for correcting the post.

Ninja, you run a great site, filter the spam. My IT guys could help you should you wish. Got my URL, watch, it won't be the same??!!

NB34, stop jacking off, it's a waste of time and distracting, go get the real thing!!!!! (OK if its your thing................ so be it.)

PC, yur the smrtst gy eyev layd eze on fr sumtm. gs yr a rght bryng gy as u ask 2 fl in the blnks. U evr wnt smting dffernt le m knw as u cld mk tns of $$$ wit my cmpny. Get it. Don't know what part of the world you are from but I will send a jet for u to come to a meeting. Preferrably in NY.

Now to share one other, if I dont' get it right can one of you fix it? I'm on a plane and the satellite connection takes time.......

Last of all, you guys have added a great deal of enjoyment, so I guess it's time I sart to share tons of stuff collected.