hair story

by dave

There has been a few requests for new hair stories,so here is a new one.Hope at least a few of you like it.

The story begins in Hollywood,where the casting couch is alive and well,I know because I am a casting director.We were shooting a picture about the abduction of a fourteen year old girl.She had been targeted by a middle eastern oil sheak who had become obssesed with her beauty and extreem length hair after seeing her on young models web site.He has her kidnapped and spirited out of the country and delevered to his personal harem.After many violent adventures,the hero kills all the bad guys and rescues the young girl just in the nick of time and is suitabily reworded by the girl's beutiful mother.Casting had been compleeted except for the girl.We were having trouble finding a young enough looking gitl with long enough hair.I had already interview many girls with no luck.The next girl would be my last interveiw for the day.My secratary showed her and her mother into my office.

Both mother and daughter appeared to have very long hair,and both wore it up in large buns.The girl's hair was dark,glosy brown in color,and her mother's hair could best be described as dirty dishwater blond.After going over her resumee and talking for several minutes,the mother said"well,I suppose that you would like to see how long Lalana's hair is.Lalana honey,why don't you take your hair down for Mr. Smith." "All right mother"The gitl walked over to me and after looking at me with eyes that were much older then her fourteen years,slowly turned her back to me,raised her arms and began pulling long pins out of her huge mass of hair.She said "It's a little dirty,I hope you don't mind.Mother picked me up from school and brought me right over here,and I didn't have a chance to wash it."Her mother said "that's alright honey, I'm sure Mr Smith doesn't mind, do you Mr. Smith."I said,"not at all".I couldn't take my eye's off the girl's encrediable hair as it came loose and began dropping,falling,falling ,unwinding untill at last it finally stoped,hanging several inches past the back of her knees.I was stunded.Seeing a girl that young with hair that long was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen.My mouth was dry,and I felt myself becoming aroused.I felt like a disgusting,dirty old man,but I could no more help myself then I could stop the sun from coming up.I felt as if I had been drugged.I couldn't take my eyes off that hair. All of a sudden,her mother was standig next to me,handing me a large white comb.She looked at me and said"why don't you comb it out for her"With shaking hands I took the offered comb and began pulling it through the young girl's long,long hair.I can't imagine what she thought of me as I stood there,combing out her daughter's hair,but I could not help myself,I had been enslaved.

Finally she removed the comb from my shaking hands and set it on the counter.She said "Lalana,put your hair back up and wait for me in the outer office.I'm going to talk to Mr.Smith for a few minutes."Once Lalana had left the room,her mother closed the door after her and walked over to my bar."Why don't you let me mix you a drink Mr. Smith,what'll you have?"I told her whiskey and water.She poured it and brought it over to me."You know,some people use their finger to stir a drink,but I find that so distasteful, don't you?" Having said that,she smiled at me and then, picking the girl's comb up off the counter,she slid it into my glass and spent several minutes stiring my drink with it.When she finished,she lifted the dripping comb from the drink and held it over the glass.I watched in facination as the amber colored booze ran off the spine of the large comb and down the teeth,hanging in drops from the end of each tooth before finally dropping back into the glass.Raising the wet comb to my mouth she said "open wide".I did as I was told and felt the young girls comb sliding into my mouth."Suck it off for me,that's a good boy". Removing the comb from my mouth,she handed me my drink and told me to drink up.Again, I did as I was told.

Walking over to my c.d. player,she began looking through my disks and,finding one she like she sliped it in and then walked over to me.Reaching up behinder,she began pulling pins from her long hair.She said"Mr. Smith, I don't want you to think that what is about to happen is a bribe.Just think of it as my way of thanking you for your time and for considering my daughter for the part."With that,she pulled the last pin from her hair,and it dropped heavialy down.It wasn't as long as her daughter's, but it did hang passed her butt,and it was thick and gorgeous.

She slid her hand between my legs,and pulled down my zipper,freeing the erection that had been throbbing painfully since her daughter had first dropped her hair. She slid her hand slowly up my erection and then turned her back to me. Gloria Gainer began singing "I will Survive" from my cd player,and the woman began to dance,her arms in the air. I could smell her hair as she danced,turning her head left,then right,the long rich hair swaying seductivily,just lightly brushing the swollen head of my penis.Then she crouched down,pushing her head back.I felt my huge penis burrying itself deep into her hair,untill even my balls were burried in it.She then began to very slowly stand up,carressing my deeply burried penis and balls as they slid through her rising hair.I groanded with pleasure and she said"don't loose it yet baby,I'm going to finish you off in a very special way." Pulling herself away from me,she grabbed her daughter's hairbrush and began wrapping her long,thick hair around the handle,forming a huge,slopy looking french roll which she secured in place with several long pins.She then pulled out the hairbrush,leaving an oppening at the bottom of the fragrent roll of hair,at the base of her neck.Coming back to me,she once again turend her back and crouched down untill the head of my penis was pushing up through the opening in her hair,and then I was in,my penis burried to the hilt in her sweet smelling,thick roll of hair. I grabbed her head gentely and began

working my hips, sliding slowly in and out,fucking her huge french roll ,experienceing the most delecious sex I had ever known. I thought nothing could feel better than fucking a woman in the ass, but thiis was even sweeter than that.

When she at last finished with me,I was left completely drained and half unconcious in my chair.She smiled at me and said"we'll being going now.I have go home and wash my hair."Walking back to me she tossed her daughter's hairbrush into my lap."I'll leave this with you.If you call us back for a follow up interveiw, you'll be needing it." Then she was gone. The end.

P.S. Lalana got the part. the contract was drawn up with two stipulations. #1 stipulated that I was to personally have sole responsibility for all brushing out,combing out,and washing of Lalana's hair durring the shooting of the movie, and #2 stipulated that her mother was to privetly consult with me in my trailer immediately after each brushing out, combing out, or washing of her daughter's hair.

P.P.S. The girl that was the insperation for this story can be checked out by googleing the following:

Check it out, I don't think you'll be sorry.She is something else.
