and another

by ninja

They're called Peggy Meyer from Yankeetown and Patty Sermersheim from Stendal, i think that's in Indiana...

here their hair is alot shorter, this was in 1997... so that means that they're growing it out Tongue Sticking Out

and here it's alot longer...

but then i found this Cry

... unfortunately some good things come to an end:

[quote from the article above]

Meyer said both she and her sister had agreed to allow the stylists to do whatever they wanted.

Both brunettes donated their chopped locks to the non-profit organization, Locks of Love, which uses the donations to create wigs for cancer patients.

Sermersheim kept a longer, shoulder-length style and went red. Meyer, on the other hand, went blonde and now sports a much shorter style.


the show aired on Friday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. local time on ABC, maybe someone knows if there is any way in seeing it somewhere online. this part might be interesting:


Prior to the shopping extravaganza, a film crew visited Sermersheim's home in Stendal, where the twins had a chance to show off their waist-length hair,
