The Episode of Full House You Missed

by A Kier Gray Erotic Hair Story

One day, Stephanie awoke in the middle of the night to see her older sister, Donna Jo Tanner still up. Sitting in the glow of the dresser lamps by the mirror in the corner.

To Stephanie's sleepy gaze, it seemed as if the burnished bronze gleam of DJ's spectacular head of hair was bright enough to light up the wall behind the dresser.

DJ had sat at the dresser three hours ago to style her freshly washed hair, trying out various looks for her big date with Steve tomorrow. She knew her hair was the best looking thing about her, and as she hefted her large round brush smoothly through its thick masses for the first hour, chasing each stroke with the blow drier from the crown of her head to the small of her back, she had been pretty objective. Pretty steady.

Then, as the lights around the house went down as everyone else went to bed, she began to catch glimpses of herself in the softly glowing mirror. Of her blue eyes with the pupils wide and enlarged in ambient darkness, reflecting the dresser lamps in motes... of her fresh young face framed in that neatly parted, carefully brushed mane. A young woman with nothing but a t-shirt on, sitting in a gentle pool of light before a mirror.

That was when the first thrill hit. It seemed as if her heart gasped a little, something delightfully cool and airy from deep inside billowed like surf and fanned out warmly through her thighs.

On an impulse, she grabbed her make-up kit. The deep scarlet lipstick went on in vigorous, slightly shaky, two... too much. Too much, just a little too hastily kissed and spread. Not fully realizing what she was doing, she pooched out her lips and scraped off a little of the extra lipstick with her fingers, dabbing it lightly on both cheeks...a little instant rouge. As if on autopilot, she found herself rubbing on some violet eye-shadow. Inexpertly she combed some mascara into her eyelashes,leaving tiny chunks between the extended strands.

She paused to study herself again. Another thrill, another quiver, starting from her chest and snaking all the way down her spine to her very tailbone this time.

Darn, she thought, I look good. I'

She stiffened her back against the faint voices beginning to make themselves heard in her mind... voices that reminded her of Church, the dinner table and the schoolroom, voices that told her no properly-raised girl ought to feel sexy, that it was a dirty, slutty, un-Christian indulgence she was letting herself in for.

Plunging ahead as if to silence them, DJ scooped three fingers-full of leave-in wheatgerm conditioner and mousse from the jar Uncle Jesse had given her for her birthday. She smeared it across the fringe of hair her grown-out bangs made, and sat there gazing at her reflection for a moment... what did it look like, that glistening goopy white stuff streaked across her hair by her forehead, that was making her heart beat faster with every thump? Why was she feeling so dizzyingly, feverishly warm?

Closing her eyes, she grabbed her oblong vented brush and began working the conditioner through her mane in long, swift strokes. She brushed and brushed for what must have been fifteen minutes straight, feeling her scalp tingle under the caress of Mason-Pearson bristles. Her dense tresses leaped, gathered and folded round her face with the consistency of a foxpelt, gleaming now with honey-colored highlights. Down went the brush, from crown to tip, again and again, flowing through the liquid gold behind her head, twisting and sculpting the flakes and layers that fringed her face into comb-marked ridges.

Almost done, she thought, as she delicately teased the grown-out bangs that framed her forehead and temples into a fringe that partially covered one eye. Then she chanced to glance at the mirror again, and what she saw nearly did her in.

This was how he must have looked to Steve at the drive-in last Thursday night, she realized, the moment he got his hot fumbling hand up her skirt and inside her panties. With her salon-freshhair falling forward over one eye, her gaze moist, her lips wet and slightly parted as her tongue pressed against the back of her teeth.

Her finger found its way to the dripping confines of her vulva, trying to recapture the feeling. She heard it enter with a little if from miles away, but very very clearly. Staring at her reflection, DJ thought of how she would tease Steve tomorrow, gently raking her nails up his side in the way that drove him crazy, pushing her soft thigh firmly into his rock-hard crotch as she kissed him...

The thrill that came was an exploding fountainhead of pure heaven. Her back arched, her insides quaking cosmically, she had felt her thighs pulse once, twice, thrice, four times... urging the warm treacle from between her legs, so that her seat cushion looked as if a three-year old had gone to work on it with a cookie decorator.

It must have been five minutes after that that Stephanie awoke and saw DJ still at the mirror. Still shivering sporadically, vented brush in hand combing back into perfect position the few strands of her mane that had gone astray.

"Deej, what are you doing?" intoned Stephanie sleepily. "It's late- you better go to bed."

A minute later, Stephanie saw DJ rise from her seat. She had never seen her sister look like this before. So beautiful, so very beautiful and...something else. A little strange, the way she was staring.

Stephanie was a little surprised to see DJ come walking towards her bed. She was surprised, and a little afraid, when DJ took her in her arms and pressed fervidly against her. DJ's body was so very warm and flushed...and what was that sticky stuff where their thighs were pressing together?

"Steph, I really love ya. You know that?" said DJ in a throaty, husky voice Stephanie had never heard before. "What..." was all she managed to get out before DJ's lips were on hers, DJ's tongue teasing her mouth open.

Stephanie turned her face away in fear. "Donna Jo, what are you..."

But DJ was on her again. "Don't worry, baby," she purred, kissing Stephanie gently on the lips now, once, twice..."it's ok. You'll like it if you let yourself." And within a moment DJ's tongue was in Stephanie's mouth again, exploring deeply this time, cruising from cheek to palate, mapping the edges of her teeth, holding her own tongue down until both of them were out of breath. This time, Stephanie didn't struggle to get her face away but fell away, gasping.

As they joined in another kiss, one of DJ's hands got up under her t-shirt, the other hand prowling around her buttocks, behind and beneath and between her thighs. The feel of DJ's silken tresses over Stephanie's face and shoulders, the passion with whick DJ kissed her and God, the so-very-private places DJ's hands were touching her! This was so totally wrong, so wrong...Stephanie began to burn with tremendous blushes of embarrassment, a kind of embarrassment that stood just shy of turning the corner into wild delight! This was SO confusing... Stephanie wanted to scream!

"Relax, baby. There's no need to be embarrassed...why're you shivering like that?" said DJ between kisses, "this is what people do when they're married, to make each other happy. Doesn't it feel good?" DJ's fingers traipsed over Stephanie's asshole one last languorous time and began rubbing her swollen, dripping labia.

A fierce rushing blush began at the edges of Stephanie's rock hard nipples, feathering out across every inch of her chest, shoulders, neck and face... all the way to the lobes of her ears and the roots of her hair. Stephanie moaned and jerked as DJ's probing fingers entered and left and entered her again, slipping through as easily as a flake of wet soap.

Then DJ was on her knees, spreading Stephanie's thighs wide. What was that Stephanie felt between her legs? Not DJ's hands-- DJ was holding Stephanie's thighs firmly apart with both her hands...oh no. With a shock that sent her spinning into utter disbelief, Stephanie realized her sister was kissing her there with her mouth!

DJ was no expert with her lips and tongue, but in Stephanie's condition it didn't take long. As DJ's hot tongue swooped, raced and plunged over her white-hot clit, Stephanie's back arched and her fists clenched. In a gasping, spasming moment...DJ's chin and mouth were covered in the slickness of her younger sister's maiden spend.

The two of them lay entwined together for many hours after that, sharing whispered secrets, stifled giggles and soft kisses like never before.

The next night, DJ found her date with Steve to be quite an anticlimax. Uncle Jesse's girlfriend helped her do her hair and makeup perfectly, but Steve showed up with a shabby, wispy growth on his face that he wanted her to call a "beard". DJ put her mouth on him in the car, but before she could count to ten he had bellowed like an ape and spewed her with icky-tasting white stuff. No fun at all.

Never mind, she thought with a grin. She'd make up for it that night, back home with Steph.

Daddy was only mildly surprised, from then on, how easy it was to urge the Tanner girls to go right to bed after dinner.