My Opinion On Long Hair

by The Tainted Devil

Just thought I’d give my opinion here on long hair and more specifically why super long hair almost never looks good in my opinion. It would be good to get other people’s opinions on this also, but this is my opinion anyway and I’ve kind of alluded to it in a previous post.

Before I started to post here about 2 months ago, I probably lurked around this site for at least 15 years and yes, I know thats a long time. Now I’ve seen so much long hair in person as well as on the internet on this site, various other sites and social media channels and what I see a lot of is very long hair, sometimes long enough to go down to their knees, ankles or even longer and almost every single time I do think it does look bad, like the girl has grown her hair that long for purely length’s sake and I just don’t think it looks good. In my opinion, it looks dated, old fashioned and Victorian like and if I was a woman, that is hair I wouldn’t really want. I’ve always thought beauty is queen when it comes to long hair, regardless of whether, its straight or curly, brunette or blonde, and I will say why.

While I have only known a a very small number of girls throughout my life who have had very long hair, they have all had the same problem when it comes to their hair. The length may have impressed but always up close, at some point their hair starts to look thin, damaged, and a lot of other problems very long hair tend to pose. It’s very rare when very long hair looks great.

Contrast this with many girl’s I’ve known with hair not as long, but the beauty of it is off the charts and I recall my first real experience with long hair as an example before I was 10 years old. A girl who was a family friend who would look after me every Thursday evening. Her hair wasn’t down to her knees or ankles, it was down to her waist which is still long, especially to a 9 year old boy. The key was it’s sheer beauty and it was so gorgeously sleek and shiny, it was so easy to brush (and play with), it was very well maintained and every time, she would let me brush it for at least 20 minutes which made it extremely soft too, but it also felt so amazing too as I usually brushed it right handed and held it like a ponytail with my left hand. It’s no wonder my 9 year old self would get rock hard every single time so quickly. It’s one of my childhood memories with long hair and I still remember them all vividly.

I’d like to know other people’s opinions on this and what they think looks good and doesn’t look good when it comes to long hair, as well as what length hair actually is technically long in their opinion. Just in my view, I’ve seen many with very long hair and so much of it does nothing for me, it has lost its beauty. Whereas hair thats shorter like down to their waist or their butt or even classic length and looks absolutely phenomenal in terms of how gorgeous it is, how well kept it is, it ticks every single box for me and I’ve known so many girls who’ve ticked every single box since I discovered my love for long hair at the age of 7.

This is what I think is perfect example of what I mean