Re: Poll time - Whose hair in the whole world is your ABSOLUTE favorite?

by Vijay

There was a lady I once saw & followed way back in the early 90s on the streets on Mumbai, India. She seemed to be in her early 40s at the time (I was in my 20s).

She had worn her hair in a very thick (al the way till the ends), heavy looking braid and it went right down to between her calves and her ankles. I could not believe what I was seeing. I followed her in the hope of getting a chance to speak to her, may be befriend her. I throat was dry & just could not bring up the courage.

I followed her straight to the suburban commuter station getting off at every stop to see where she was getting off. And even followed her right till she reached her neighborhood where I lost her in the crowd.

Saw her a couple times after that hanging out in the neighborhood I had spotted her. But on both occasions her hair was in a giant bun - once she was with her daughter I believe, and the other time with her husband.

Did not see her any time after that... Sad