Superlonghair-Video - Julia Mature Girl

by hr8984

Hey folks,

remember that post about a video starring this ankle-length haired

blond girl?

Now, good and bad news:

You can get the VHS of that movie only in Berlin in a

sort of rarity store. The video's name is:

"Private Fickhuren" and the production company is "ZOOM".

I was in there to check it out and they got it! They got evrything

from ZOOM. The bad part is: This VHS can only be rented

and only by Berlin citizens. The fee is very low though.

The store's name is "EVS-Video" and is located at Otto-Suhr-Allee 25,



Is anybody out there who lives in Berlin to get this video and copy it

to share with the long hair community?

I know there's a lot of people who want it and who would pay a good

price for it.

You gotta know that this is a R-A-R-E video since the production

company died long ago. Ankle-length blond hair! Totally A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Tongue Sticking Out Tongue Sticking Out Tongue Sticking Out Tongue Sticking Out Tongue Sticking Out

Thank you for any replies~
