Re: need advice

by Longpageboy

I know that in most cases it is basically and fundamentally wrong to give advice to other people about such very personal matters. I can´t live your life, and I can´t walk in your shoes.

But in this case I honestly believe that there is clearly just one thing for you to do: stay with the very good girl you have. Don´t forsake her for a fantasy.

Show her that you love her.

Waist length is very good already - much more than most of us even here on the forum get to enjoy with our real-life partners. Why else would we be on a forum like this one? If we all had girlfriends with knee-length tresses, we would be so busy taking care of them that the forum would be deserted.

I´m really not young anymore (my children are 30+), and in all my life I have perhaps seen only about ten women in real life with classic length or even longer hair. And "I have seen" is meant literally: I have seen these women, from a distance mostly, often just for a few seconds, have never even exchanged a word with them. There has never been the slightest chance for me to get involved wih such a woman, not even for an affair or a one-night stand; I haven´t even befriended any one of them. I have never personally known a woman with longer than tailbone-length hair. The likelihood of you fulfilling your dream is next to nothing.

You seem to have a good woman. There seems to be a good chance for the both of you to be happy with each other. Then go ahead and do it. Make each other happy.

My ex-wife had tailbone-length hair for a long time even when she was a nurse for senior citizens; it is perfectly manageable. So perhaps you can persuade your girlfriend to grow her hair to that length as a compromise to do you a favour. Since nobody reaches that length overnight anyway (judging from what you posted, it would probably take her about a year from where she´s at now), she would slowly get used to handling the extra length, too, and find out how to put in in a bun or braid it for the job.

Good luck to you guys!