My two cents

by Chris

Some people need to stop being so closed-minded and rigid when it comes to long hair and hair-related content here.

Beautiful hair is beautiful hair and that's what we should really be celebrating. There's more to beautiful hair than just length even though length is always important. There is silky soft texture, rich color, bright shine, etc.

Regardless if a woman's hair is as short as shoulder-length or as long as the ankles, if the hair is long enough to make a sexy ponytail, sexy bun, etc., and if it's long enough to get a hair job from it, then what's the problem?

Hair that is long enough to make a sexy ponytail, bun, give a hair job, etc. is hair worth embracing, admiring, loving, desiring, etc. in my opinion. I love long hair of various long lengths going from shoulder-length down to the ankles. If a woman has hair going from those two lengths and in between, then I'm good. As long as it's not a pixie cut, buzz cut, etc., then the hair has my attention.

As enjoyable as it is to see lots of posts with women having long hair down to their ass or ankles, it would get a little boring/tiresome if that's all you see around here constantly. That's one reason why we have different hair colors for women and not just one color. It would be just like how it would get boring/tiresome if you just did sex the same way over and over again with your wife/girlfriend instead of trying new techniques, methods, etc. You have to keep things fresh to make things continue to be good.

There's nothing wrong with a little variety around here. Variety helps inspire creativity and keeps things fresh. A couple of topics involving other things isn't going to kill you or take up most of the board. a few topics out of 50 topics doesn't really mean much. If you don't like something, then skip it and/or don't even look at it. It would be nice if more of our posts could get responses since discussion helps make friends, create inspiration, introduces people to things, etc.

If someone wants to share a long hair story (whether real or made up), then let them. Some people like reading that stuff and letting their imagination enhance it.

If someone wants to post hair-related porn, then let them. Some people like watching/seeing that stuff and letting it indulge in their long hair fetish.

An occasional post on something like bob hair has actually gotten a lot of responses in the past and adds some spice to this place. Believe it or not, there are some shorter hair styles that some long hair people are actually attracted to.

There's a saying that variety is the spice of life and that's something that should actually be embraced around here. Some people need to stop with this "my way or the highway" mentality or "the hair length/content has to be one length/method and nothing else" mentality.

We all love beautiful long hair so let's enjoy that no matter the long length or the content.