My first experience

by Longhairlover56

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum. Today I would like to talk about my first sexual experience with a long-haired girl.

To begin with, I live in Russia and I am writing this story in Russian, so the translation may be clumsy in places. I'll tell you a little about myself, I, like many people here, have this fetish almost from birth, and of course, since my teenage years, I dreamed of having sex with a long-haired girl. I watched a lot of hairjob porn, later I fell in love with sex stories on this topic. Now I'm 22 and until recently, I already had a sexual experience. Prada's first experience was not with the ideal girl for me. In particular, her hair was cut under the caret and this did not give a single chance to satisfy my fetish.

In general, let's move on to history. After my first sex, I dated that girl for a while, but then we broke up and I started looking for a new one, already with long hair. I often went to various clubs, since I live in Moscow and here is their carriage and a small cart. In clubs, I usually stood at the bar and tried to see as many women's heads and hairstyles as possible. Basically, the girls living in the center did not wear hair below the waist, which is also generally not bad for satisfying the fetish, but I did not give up and continued to look for the longest option.

For myself, I found that a girl with really long hair is much more realistic to find in a club of a lower level, since mostly majors and elite escorts hang out in top clubs. They, in turn, do not grow hair much.Therefore, I began to visit clubs a little further from the center, they do not differ much in terms of level, but there is no such concentration of what I have listed above.

And a week ago, when I once again went to one of the clubs in the evening, I met a girl, we will call her Lena, I don’t want to use real names. I didn't notice her at first, as she was sitting in the darker part of the room. I usually look at the dance floor and close to me at the bar. In general, I noticed her when she went to the toilet, she literally passed by in a couple of seconds, but I managed to notice a large tuft on the back of her head. I followed her with my eyes to the toilet and had enough time to examine the bundle. He was a braid wound in circles at the back of her head, it was clear that her hair was quite thick, since the braid was large. My experience told me that this hair might be exactly what I was looking for.

As soon as she returned, I decided to sit down with her and get acquainted, since she was sitting alone. The stage of acquaintance with her can be skipped, I think. Since I already had experience of communicating with girls, I was not particularly afraid to speak. Her appearance can be described as something above average, pleasant features, good figure, she is not thin, but not fat, something in between. She had no relationship, the last, as I found out, ended six months ago. The only thing is that she is 28, that is, 6 years of difference, but I did not tell her real age, so as not to push her away and continue communication and lied that I was 27. Perhaps in a sober state, no one would have believed me, but since she was tipsy, My words didn't bother her at all.We talked with her for about two hours, I liked her by herself, her character, humor. In general, she was an example of a good girl, not vulgar, smart. You could tell by her clothes, modest but tasteful. Around 10 pm, when we left the club, she offered to continue the evening with her. Naturally, I wanted this and was ready to invite her to my place, but it was half an hour to go to my apartment, and 5 minutes to her on foot. We went to her.

As soon as we entered her apartment and took off our shoes, she attacked me like a predator. I could really feel her sexual hunger. We quickly went to her bedroom, took off our outer clothes, she gave me a condom, I quickly put it on and entered between her legs. I had access to my hair, and while I was kissing her, I felt this bundle in every possible way, which turned me on even more, but it was so tightly fastened that I decided not to try to open it much for now. The sex I can say was great, she was experienced, you could feel it. Her naked body looked very good. Although she did not have much breasts, but the ass was what you need, elastic and juicy, like my first girlfriend.

After the first session, I was ready to continue, but she said that she was already very tired. We decided to turn on the movie, she rested her head on my shoulder. I could feel how nice her hair was rubbing against my neck, it made my cock stand up again. She noticed this and said: “You can see you are still full of energy, if you don’t want me to masturbate you before going to bed.” Of course I couldn't refuse. She gently began to run her hand along my trunk and in just a couple of minutes I finished powerfully. All my cum landed on my body so I said I was going to take a shower. After me, when I left, she went to the shower. I decided to pretend that I was sleeping so that she would quickly lie down and fall asleep, and I could open the bun and look at the hair.

She was in the bath for about 40 minutes, I was ready to really fall asleep, but then she finally came out. I quickly closed my eyes, she quietly went to the bed, lay down and fell asleep after about 20 minutes. When I made sure that she was sleeping, I decided to quietly turn over to face her, she was lying with the back of her head to me. And practically in front of my face, I found a net, in which, apparently, her hair lay, I was glad to myself that I would not have to unwind the bundle.

I gently began to pull the braid out of the mesh and my cock began to bleed again, my breathing quickened and my heart began to beat, it was perhaps the longest and sexiest light brown braid that I have seen. I carefully took it out, sniffed it, it smelled gorgeous. Then he decided to spread it along his body. It reached below my knees, this is provided that my height is somewhere around 1.89 - 1.90. That is, the approximate length was in the region of 1.5 meters.I lay and thought what to do, there was a very strong desire to lift the blanket and wind the braid around my penis, but I decided to restrain myself, realizing that I could get it dirty. And I didn’t want to end the relationship so stupidly. So I just decided to move the end of her magnificent braid over my body.

Honestly, the feeling of real hair cannot be compared with anything, with any brush and brush. Hair is much softer and more pleasant. I made the decision to drive myself to the edge and then go to the bath and cum. I quietly got up, leaned on the back of the bed and started winding the braid around my cock. Immediately the thought came to me, how much free hair should be pleasantly felt. I did a couple of turns and already 2/3 of the riser was buried in the hair, that's one of the pluses of thick hair. The feeling was heavenly, just magical. It took about 5 minutes and I was already on the edge. I went to the toilet, finished, washed my penis, and when I returned I put the braid in the net. The only end of the braid smelled a little of a member, but I thought that the chance of burning me was minimal. I lay down and quickly fell asleep.

In the morning, as expected, no one burned me. When I got up, Lena was already in the kitchen, when I went out to her, I saw that her hair was again gathered in a bun.

- Good Morning! How did you sleep?

- Thank you, OK. You look great, do you want to play a little naughty before breakfast?


She said playfully.

- By the way, I wanted to ask you, why do you always wear your hair in a bun? You can disband them, I want to take a look.

-Listen, I twisted the bundle for a long time, come on another time.

- Are you shy?

- Well, actually, yes, you just haven't seen my hair yet and therefore you don't understand why.- Well, show me, I want to see?

I said smiling to myself.

- Well, if you insist so, then fine.

She very skillfully began to unfold the bundle and after a couple of seconds the braid flew heavily down. My cock immediately stood up, the braid hanging almost to the feet, and even such a thick one looked gorgeous. It was clear that Lena was embarrassed by her for some reason. I quickly covered the riser, and approached her from behind.

-WOW, what a beauty!

- Do you really like it?

-Yes, very much, I have always considered hair the best female dignity.

Lena blushed a little, it was quite noticeable. I smiled.

- Can I touch her?

- Yes, of course, if you want.

I ran my hands through it, it was by far the best braid. Soft, smooth, just perfect.

-Can you let it go?

- Well, no, that's when we meet next time, that's when you'll see. For now, let's go to the bedroom.

I followed her, put the condom back on quickly, and pushed her onto the bed. The sex was great just like yesterday. I tried not to show her my fetish for now, but my hands reached for her hair. I offered her a doggy position, put her on all fours and took her braid in my hand, she apparently liked it too.

After morning exercises, we again took turns taking showers, had breakfast, exchanged phone numbers and networks, and I went to my place.

I spent the next week out of town with friends, but every evening I corresponded with her or called her up. I returned only yesterday and agreed to meet her on Tuesday, that is, tomorrow. I think to tell her the truth that I am 6 years younger than her and that I am still studying at the university. I hope this will not affect our future relationship. It is clear that it is too early to share my fetish with her, but I hope with all my heart that if we start a serious relationship, then she will understand my passion for her hair, in short, wish me luck tomorrow.