Please read- specially pc , Ninja n Vino

by Kiergray

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed that.

I know I'd kind of disappeared for a while. It's hard to explain, but you know Vino, how you're blessed to have a wife who indulges your passion for long hair?

Let's just say that I'm NOT. Straight Face

So I'm really sorry, Vino, to have fallen out of touch with you so rudely. That email address I was writing you from no longer exists. If you do want to get back in touch with me, please do so at my new address. It is

[same username as my old address] . Not as before. Sorry I don't want to post the whole thing here, there's all kinds of spammers and such might see it. But the original address is there on PC's MSN group with my contributions folder.

Lastly, to all of you and especially Ninja, thank you so much for starting this forum. You'll never guess how grateful I am. See, before I stumbled into this place quite by accident I thought I was some kind of sick perverted freak. The fact is there's a lot of us perfectly normal good human beings who happen to have this fetish for hair, and it's wonderful to have this place to share it with you guys.

Take care, and have a happy holiday yall.
