I'm back and I have stories!

by HairAddict67

Hey all! I haven't posted any new stories for a while. However, over the past month I have submitted new stories and am continuing to work on others. A while ago I promised I'd be coming back, but life got in the way. However, now there are three new stories to check out!

The first one is Middle Eastern Minx Pt 3


This one is obviously a continuation of the series, but told from a different perspective.

The second one is One Question Pt 2


Now be warned, I know not many of you are into incest so if that's not your shtick, then give this one a pass. But this one is once again a continuation of a story, and expands on the already established relationship.

The last one is My Roommates, which is an entirely new story.


It's not too hard to guess where this one goes, but I hope you give it a read and enjoy!

As always, I enjoy your comments, concerns, and criticisms. I still have saved all requests made of me and I do hope to satisfy them at some point in the future. So give em a read and I hope they entertain.