Hello! I have a request for all of you.

by HairAddict67

First of all, I know it's been a while since I've posted any stories. My apologies about that.

Second, I have a request. I have gotten back into the writing spirit, but am trying out a new tactic. Part of why I stopped writing is because I wasn't feeling inspired anymore. I had a maaaajor case of writer's block. I intend to solve this with over stimulation of inspiration.

Now for that inspiration, what I'm looking for is actual stories of people who have enjoyed either playing with hair or enjoying it sexually. The reason being that I have had a couple of my own experiences, but I want to touch into more than just what I've been through. I want to hear stories that people actually experienced and know how it happened. I'm hoping that hearing some of those stories will allow me to tell different stories in all my writings, rather than having the same formula every time.

I know that there are some people that have written stories of fiction. I'm not looking for those. I want true, sincere experiences to be able to model off of. I have an easy time writing fiction, I just want to get a more real feeling into the stories. Besides, I feel if you have a fictional story, you should write it yourself. Tell it your way and try out writing yourself.

If you claim all this to sort of be a cop out, weeeell you're not entirely wrong. Haha. However, I would appreciate any help that can be given.

Lastly, I don't intend on posting any stories (I have one fully completed that's new) until I have finished a few of them. And in that regard I would like to ask, how would you like me to post them? One per week, or one per month?

Once again, appreciate any input you all have. And I still take and am working on all requests that have been sent to me. You have not been forgotten.