Re: Re: Happy Birthday, Courteney Cox

by Chris

Dear, Alex

I could rip you to pieces by saying something mean, but I will be tactful and not cause trouble. It's a shame that you don't like my posts, and that's fine, but I won't lose sleep over it. To each his own.

I do not like each woman's hair. I don't like bald, pixie cut, hair to ear level, etc. I do like long hair going from shoulder-length all the way down to feet.

I'm a long hair man. Always have been, always will be. But I don't choose to limit myself to liking just long hair that goes down to ass, calves, feet, etc. I like long hair of various lengths which I've indicated above. As long as it's at a level that is considered long, I'm a happy camper.

I like nice hair, but I'm more into hair that is soft, silky, beautiful, sexy, hair-job capable, etc. Hair like that is more than "nice". I think any hair from shoulder-length downward is capable of that. Some may disagree with this, but it's been proven more than once that long hair of shorter length can be just as pleasurable and beautiful as hair that is extremely long.

I bet you'd give your left nut to run your fingers, and even your dick, in the hair of the women below. Any self-respecting long hair fan would and if they said they wouldn't, they're lying through their teeth. I'd think you're nuts if you think the hair below is just "nice".

So if you don't like what I post, don't look at it. We all have plenty of stuff here to enjoy. And who are you to speak for everyone here? There are people here who do like what I post. I've posted stuff like this here for years and have never had any complaints in the past. You post what you post and I'll post what I'll post. You look at what you want here and I will do the same. Hopefully in the future you can't be more respectful and not a complete dick.

