by pc

you flamers need to ''back off''. [the spam is bad enough]

we are all here for the same reason/feet'itch.

Trichophilia=erotic attraction to hair.

i no, some don't like me,,BUTT,,i find and post longhair

and try to intertain you at the same time.

ninja will agree that i helped get this forum going and i, still, promote it today.

[that's where, some of, the spam cums frum]

i surf/post 6 forums and this is the only one that flames me.

spam,,i/we can deal with..stupid flames, i can't..........

you flamers have run off a lot of good posters, in the past.

don't you see what you have done? you have 'took from' ninja's.

[a lot of them are, now, at PCs, postin/surfin their azz'z off]

we should/could be

''one'' big, happy, group of longhair lovin friends

with all the post in ''one'' place [that a person could surf].

why am i saying all this:

i was reviewing my notepad and i came to my

''shit list'' pissed me off that i, even had one..i deleted it..

why don't you do the same thang.?.....

lezz start over. ok?

there is a lot of shit i don't like, here,,BUTT,,some do


i say nothing if it's longhair/on-topic.

[cum-in-da-face, bondage, pulling, braids, mistreating women/men,

people not useing the [nl] and replying with a smily,, etcetc]

frum now on i'll just 'dig out' the pics/quotes eyez like and put them in memory. [please follow suit]


here's one i got this morning frum, wood u beelieve, bobby

'' She has weighty curls flowing about halfway down her back - and in this case,

"weight" is the key word. As strange as it sounds, hair can be like pickup trucks:

the heavier the load, the tougher to push.''

[not worth surfin..the top ten were all shorthairs]

please, think about it.

nuff said
