HotLinking Pics 101 [everyboody>]

by pc

5,000 hits a day..not bad ninja. i hope everyboody reads this and starts surfin n posting. [it's so ez]

ok,,kk,,gonna 'pic' on you because u did it last.

you looked at pic 9 here


it got stored in your temp internet files [cache]

when you posted the pic, you saw it again. we got the REDxBOX.

i drug the redXbox to the address bar and let go.

thar she was [WOW,,,love redheads].

i took the 009.jpg off to get the page.


now, had you/everyboody wanted to spend a little more time

and test that pic for hotlinking you could have:

go here hb's linkmaker

paste one of the other #s in that you DIDN'T look at


in the box and click 'convert'.

if the pic loads thar,,it will 'hotlink' to here.

everyboody,,,try this. it's so ez and fast and makes a better post.

lezz practice:

i know this one hotlinks,,BUTT,,you don't [say you have allready seen it]

copy this


go to hb's linkmaker and 'test' it [change xx to tt]

change the 012.jpg to ,,say 007.


it hotlinked, huh.

[u don't need to copy the coded link. that was for the old ntc forum]

and to go 1 step farther:

this mean all pics frum will hotlink.

and to go 1 step farther:

why didn't you/i, just, post

and say,,pic12=m m mmmmmmmmmm

and to go 1 step farther:

i think it's great that a lot of you are 'up'ing' pics to ninja's pic thangy


if these pics are on a current page and not in you old files,,then,, post

the page, PLEASE, and say ''pic69'', er whatever.........

[eyez/wez like the HOLE story, or, all wheeze can get of it]

[alain,,^ that's,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,^ 'code', not mizzpelled]

and to go 1 step farther:

point at these thumbs and look at your lower address bar

they skipped all around, huh.?.. i bet, ''thar's more''..

did u see #3

how bout

why not???????

look at jenny at the bottom of this page


click 'parent directory' [back] to see the rest.

about 10 of them had, at least, titty long longhair.

most have a html page you can click to see the page with thumbs.

some of the pics are not on the html page. [u will sea]

look at jenny at the bottom of this page, 2.

''it's not what your forum can do for you,,it's what you can do for your forum''
