Love the responses!

by HairAddict67

I love all the responses I'm getting from you all! It's awesome to see that you all are enjoying these as much as I enjoy writing them.

In answer to some questions, I do love bangs and will definitely do more with them in upcoming chapters. Chapter 3 is already written and submitted, so anything done with bangs will be in the next one.

Additionally, I actually do have the ability to draw, but usually I have to physically see what I'm drawing to do a good job. All the characters in the story are inspired by either friends of mine or celebrities. I will do my best to either find look-alike pictures on the internet, or try my hand at drawing them.

As a final note, I wrote the first chapter to another series last night. It's called the Blonde and the Brunette. I've gotten a couple complaints about the hints of incest in my first series, and while I enjoy the taboo of it, it's not everyone's cup of tea. I intend on pursuing more of the incest factor in my first series, but my second series, the blonde and the brunette, will be incest free. So for those of you with the fetish for hair but a distaste for incest, I hope you will enjoy that series.

Thanks again for all your support!