Russian girls with long hair

by HT

I once spent extended time in Vladivostok circa 1996-8. It's a seacoast city full of beautiful long-haired Russian ladies. I learned that growing and maintaining BEAUTIFUL long hair for them is difficult. The cost of imported products is very high. For some, they said even lots of hot water is a luxury. Then there is the electricity for blow dryers and extra laundry not to mention time.

I began to notice that many girls with long hair had not washed it for some time. It was unclean and oily on top.

I came to realize that Russian girls with luxurious, long, silky, shiney, touchable hair worked very hard to keep it that way. And I began to compliment them on their effort and expense.

In turn they told me they knew the way to attract the.most eligable men was to have lovely long hair.

Lesson: those of us who love long hair should appreciate these women could have an easier life with short haircuts. And in some parts of the world its a real challenge to maintain gorgeous long hair.

When you see photos of long-haired Russian girls, say a quite thankyou in ypur mind.