Yes, still alive

by Anya

Howdy Sun

I was directed to come and see what's going on over here, and am glad I did. Innocent Angel

What's going on with me... well...

-I'm living a pretty normal life at the moment. Like "normal" normal. Like: Wow, gas prices are pretty low, eh? (I drive a lot more nowadays) And look, I can make Beef Wellington, homemade jam, and various cheesecakes, etc., like you wouldn't believe! I'm an avid cook and baker lately, I must say. It's quite enjoyable, actually.

-Been working out, I feel good. Feel like the "old me" again, instead of just "old". Thumbs Up

-Did a get a hair trim, but I'm not going to say just how much I had taken off---I'd rather remain a "mystery". Devilish But I can honestly say I still love my hair.

-I did explain what my circumstances were as far as my departure from the internet, but in case you missed it, here is some of it again, as it pertains to my situation:

****"My absence has nothing to do with a stalker. I don't have a "stalker" that I'm aware of. Of course, if it were a really good stalker, I probably wouldn't know I'm even being stalked, right? Regardless: No stalker issues (again, that I'm aware of).

It's utterly & completely over between Jim & I. Overall, I reached a "fight or flight" point in the relationship, and chose the latter. It was a long time coming. Some people are meant to be together and some aren't. When you get to that point of unhappiness... when that one more time is just too much, and when saving yourself outweighs what you're leaving behind, you know it's time to go. So I went. I'd rather be alone and at peace with myself, than miserable with another person that I cannot possibly ever make truly happy. A person can only try for so long until they're like: fuck it. I reached Level Fuck It.

All in all, I've no idea what the future is going to bring just yet. I know I need to get my bearings and get myself emotionally in check. None of this has been easy: the last 8 years with Jim, the last 16 years of

.. it's gonna take me a little time to figure ME out."****

-Jim and I did not get divorced. I was never married to Jim. We were living together-boyfriend-girlfriend. He had given me an engagement ring a while back, and I did leave that with him when I moved out. Never set a date. Never married him.

I don't think my leaving the internet was "cold". My leaving, as I stated in the past, was out of necessity. Not sharing my entire life online, sure, maybe one might view it as "cold", but I don't. A lot of my life was never openly discussed. Wasn't up for debate. Just as your lives are your own and you don't have to explain anything to ME, I share what I'm comfortable sharing.

Who knows what the future brings. Leona and I have discussed the possibility of shooting further content together; it just hasn't been fully explored/decided yet. But believe me, if we do, you all will most certainly be made aware of it. Film

And please don't take it personally if you've emailed me and haven't received a response. I honestly haven't been keeping the best track of my emails; I really have been busy with my non internet based life.

For those who've been wondering... thank you for caring. I'm still alive and well, and overall very happy. Laughing


