by fetish-lh

A virus? what are you talking about? it works fine here, i have Avira and adblocker installed. If it's a virus, please explain why?

it seems that the previous link added "" before it, i don't know why?

Anyway, i will copy paste the message from the forum.


this is Anya writing:

I know there have been all sorts of odd rumors going around about me, so I'm finally here to bring some clarity to the situation...

1. I'm not dead; I checked, and I'm pretty sure I'm very much alive, though very tired.

2. I did not cut my hair. I'm not quite sure why some moron would make up something like that, other than badly needing attention, but my hair is still very long - at my heels again, in fact. If/when I decide to cut it, maybe I'll say something publicly, maybe I won't. Either way, I don't feel that I have to say anything. My life doesn't revolve around my hair. My site isn't just about my hair. Underneath all this hair, is a very normal person that would be just as awesome if she were bald. I don't feel I "owe it" to the hair community to keep my hair a certain length, or make a PSA about every hair decision I make - I'm gonna do what I want to do. Out of courtesy, I've sometimes made statements about possible upcoming trims/cuts, but ultimately, whether I cut it or I don't is still up in the air.

3. My absence has nothing to do with a stalker. I don't have a "stalker" that I'm aware of. Of course, if it were a really good stalker, I probably wouldn't know I'm even being stalked, right? Regardless: No stalker issues (again, that I'm aware


4. The site is not closing on Nov 11, though it is true I am not accepting new sign ups. Any and all credit card cancellations are based on a 30 day "date of join" date. So once I had them canceled, the date each person received in an email as their last day, reflects either when the single 30 days is up, or when the next re-bill was to occur, but won't.

5. Please don't drive Leona crazy with emails, etc. As my best friend ever, yes, she knows exactly what's going on with me, where I am, what I'm doing and not doing, etc. And in the same light, as my best friend ever, she's not going to tell anyone anything. If need be, email me. I'm not sure when I'll get to responding to your email, but at least it won't put Leona in a position of madness. Do not take it personally if I don't jump to respond. I honestly have a lot going on at this time.

6. It's utterly & completely over between Jim & I. Overall, I reached a "fight or flight" point in the relationship, and chose the latter. It was a long time coming. Some people are meant to be together and some aren't. When you get to that point of unhappiness... when that one more time is just too much, and when saving yourself outweighs what you're leaving behind, you know it's time to go. So I went. I'd rather be alone and at peace with myself, than miserable with another person that I cannot possibly ever make truly happy. A person can only try for so long until they're like: fuck it. I reached Level Fuck It.

7. I am not looking for a replacement guy, a boyfriend, a stunt penis, etc.

8. And no, just because the site isn't taking on new members, it doesn't mean you can be sharing & infringing on my copyright. I'm still around, I still file DMCA's and report folks to their ISP's, etc.

All in all, I've no idea what the future is going to bring just yet. I know I need to get my bearings and get myself emotionally in check. None of this has been easy: the last 8 years with Jim, the last 16 years of it's gonna take me a little time to figure ME out.

But despite everything, I want to say THANK YOU for your concern, your loyalty, your friendship, your patronage, etc., over all these years. Some of you I first "met" back on NTC, long before this forum or any others like it ever existed.

Some of you I've met in person, and have remained friends with ever since. Some of your are just utterly batshit crazy

When I look back at the last 16 years & almost 5 months, I'm amazed... mIRC chats that lasted forever, 30 second refresh cams, 1 GB digital cameras, a 4 GB Compaq computer lol How things have changed.

I've learned so much in this time - more than I ever thought I would... more than I ever wanted to. And it's because communities like us exist, that I met the most amazing, wonderful, kind, beautiful, funny, feminine soulmate, God-we-know-

everything-about-each-other-BEST-FRIEND-EVER-in-the-whole-world: Leona. Woman, you've been such a strong, loyal, true & patient support "catch all" for me through all of this & I love you SO much! Always.

So folks, there you have it. That's basically what's going with me.

Thank you, everyone


