Re: Re: Re: How I got my hair fetish

by mikeyp100

There were 2 other episodes that stick out in my mind that happened between my sister and me. Like I said my sister had incredibly gorgeous long, shiny and silky hair. One of them was when we were playing around on our front porch where we would sleep in the summer. We were kind of wrestling. I can't remember what lead up to this but she had pushed me onto me on my cot and laid on top of me and intentionally pushed the back of her head into my face. I'll never forget this to the day I die. I was laying on my back with my sister who was 5 years older than me (with long beautiful hair) lying on top of me on her back so I was kind of smothered by her hair. She made some comment about her hair and kind of moved her head back and forth to kind of grind it into my face. All I could do is take a deep breath and enjoy the smell and feel and I grabbed her and hugged her at first because it seemed like the right thing to do but then I realized because I was really enjoying what was happening to me. I was stunned. She had no clue what she was doing to me that day. I'm not sure why she did that but I'm glad she did.