braid experience

by waisthairlover

This is a short story of when i decided to the visit the barbers a few weeks back. On entering the barbers there were three barbers chairs all being used so i sat and waited. While i was waiting i glance over and noticed there were two male barbers and a young female barber with very long braided hair anyway lucky for me she finished first she asked who's next and told me to take a seat. After she asked what haircut i wanted she started to cut my hair after a while of of general chat she bent forward and her braid fall forward resting over my shoulder i am ever so sorry she said that's the first time that has happened to me that's quite alright i said as she lift her braid and placed it over her shoulder. After she finished my haircut i went to pay she told me how sorry her hair had dropped over me i said that alright that what happens when youve got such long beautiful hair Thank you your very kind she gave me a big smile and i left.

This is a picture to give idea of what she looked like