Best longhair pickup line...

by Brack

I've been using a particular pickup line for years and years now, over a decade perhaps... "You have really *short* hair". This is mostly a bit of a facetious comment, because I'm usually directing it towards someone with really long hair. I've used it a LOT. Sometimes to little or no effect at all, and sometimes I make their day. However, I hit the jackpot a couple days ago....

Was talking to a girl outside a GWAR show who happened to have her hair in a long, thick ponytail almost down to her knees. Dropped my line on her, and she was ecstatically happy someone said that to her. Asked her out for a drink, and two days later, we went on a date. I'm kind of an introverted guy, so I take things pretty easy as relationships go. The good news? She likes me, we're both into metal, and we're hanging out soon again. I've always wanted a girl like this, and now I'm so close!