Re: Re: Anya's camshow hairjobs

by Anya

Well as J said, my site isn't just a cam site. But I imagine if all someone is interested in is cams, then it's easy to forget about the 1000's of images and 100's of videos, duh, that I've created over the last 5 years (Mr Bored & Tom)... many including hair job after hair job.

But some folks will be happy to know that my streaming cam will be up & running by end of Sept. But neither you nor Tom should feel the need to join then, or ever for that matter, because I tend to get close and share my life with my members, and the last thing I want is anyone on my site who carries any upfront attitude. I can live without that hefty price of $15 from either of you, trust me.

But while I'm ranting, I also wanna say that it takes a lot of guts for some anonymous person to post on a forum, so I congratulate you two for that. But it takes a HELL of lot more to run a site and BE the content. But I suppose only the ladies such as Leona, BJ and Penny might know what I'm talking about because we're the ones that put ourselves out there to be criticized by faceless nicknames.

Do I sound as if I'm in a bad mood? Maybe so... I just got done shooting a new video series (hair job included!!!) for my members and it'll be hours yet before I'll be in bed... but hey, I try to make folks happy, that's what I do.

So before any of YOU start to criticize any of US that have taken the time to not only grow our hair and cherish it as much as possible... but also CREATE material **specialized** for you fine gentlemen, you may wanna try to refrain from being too critical because if it were not for women like myself, who CAN grow their hair, and also SHARE themselves on the net, you wouldn't have anything online to enjoy! Any fool can slap a wig on, but few take the time to actually grow their hair to the lengths you find on my, Leona's, BJ's and Penny's!

So there. Sweet dreams.


