about sat's post

by pc

drag the redXboxes to the top address bar.

on some redXboxes and all,,BUTT1,,of

the pink boxes,,right click, copy shortcut,

paste in address bar and remove the 69.jpg, r whatever,

to go strait 2 da galleries

[remember the pic# that sat posted 4 a great pic to save]

hot linkin pics tips:

sat, this post & your pre-view, loaded all the pics for you

because the pics were in your putor temp files[cashe].

they are all loaded for me,,now,,and will reload each time

i click your post untill i delete my temp internet files.

[i have'ta delete 'temps' when pics, that i'm trying to save, start

showing up azz bitmaps]

ino,,this is a lot of trouble and takes time


the wayz eyez ''dew-it'' is

1: delete temp files before you pre-view


then,,you will have to fix it by postin the thumb page and sayin ''pic69''


right click the thumb, copy shortcut, if it's a .jpg, paste it in the box, here

geocities.com/hbillings/linkmaker2.htm add2favs

click convert and if it loads at hb's it will load/hotlink here


i was useing, while hb's was down, ninja's

''Add a new message''

i would paste the link and click preview to sea

if it would hotlink, and not making a post. just 'pre-viewing'


if the thumb takes you to a .html page

THEN,,you have to be quick.

azz zoon azz that page opens,,

right click where the pic is gonna load,

select properties, copy the .jpg url and

quickly close the page b4 the pic finishs loading. phewwwww

the alternative to that is,,if you allready let the pic load

[or were not fast enough]

is to change the # of the pic, up r down 1,to one of the other pic#s,,

and test 'it' at hb's.

if it loads, then the one you, first, wanted, will.

it is, ussualy: /69.html will be changed to /69.jpg

any?s? just azk.....

sat,,,i took the time to tell u this beecause

in the past 2 r 3 months you have beecum the best poster at PCs

and eyez just want you to do azz good, if not better, here.

[lot e z er to post pics here, huh]

this was one great post, dude. Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

eyez thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!



, yea,,old timers..

i heard frum gary frum


and the old NTC.

4got,4shore,,BUTT,,think he said sumptin about

''married,crystal gayle,baby on the way''

anywho, he says ''howdy, all''

[details at PCs]