long hair pics/story about long hair gf

by goodstory

I was alone at home, on the computer one night doing a boring essay for class. I was busy, so I did not really notice my gf come in. I guess she was tired, as she just crashed in our bedroom (I assume).

Cont. to work on essay late into the night (1 am) until...interruption.

Started to think of this pretty Russian girl and googled her name again, to find some new pics I had never seen before...

...obviously this led to some intense ahem, . (you know)

I was in the midst of doing just what you think I was doing when I heard the door creek, with my, ahem, friend in hand, my gf had woken up to come see me.

Once she saw me she immediatly knew what I was doing, but did not seem upset and in fact said the girl looked attractive before asking me to come into the other room. I stopped what I was doing and we both went to the bedroom to have a discussion.

She has long wavy brown hair herself, almost down to her butt (and when I do her from behind and she leans her head a little it gives the illusion of being really long.

She said she has thought of finding a girl for us, if I ever needed the spark or to try something new, etc. cause she will do anything for a man she truly loves. She is not against having a threesome. She knows exactly what I like (long hair and she is growing it out for me) and says if we find the right girl, it could happen. She said she would consider looking for a girl in a bar for us (hopefully she remembers I like long hair, I'll remind her when need be and I know she will accommodate that). So maybe a long hair threesome is in the mix? No set date, just casual convos at this point. But I owe this conversation, where she opened up me, to ...you know..."getting bored" one night with an essay.

We have been talking/joking about this on/off for the past month or two. We have even watched a little porn together and made love while watching lesbian porn a few times.