If ur interested, Mexican hookers hair

by longhairluv

Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long to get those pics to somebody. I emailed them to longhairfan, and he'll post them whenever he can. A quick history about the pics, which, I have more of. The girls are all hookers in Tijuana Mexico. As I've said before, you can pop across the border, and for $20 dollars us, you can spend 30 min with these nice beautiful, long haired girls!! I usually play with thier hair, comb it, wrap it around my dick etc. for at least the first 15 -20 min. then I usually go for the BJ, with condom, or a screw, with a condom. The first girl I've been with prob 5 times, and she know what I like,so thers no worrys with messing her hair up. The second girl, with the g string, is very inthusiatic!! She's got great hair to!! Anyway, let me know if u guys want more details!!

longhairluv.....aka long haired asain roomate!!!! Laughing