Sitting behind long hair girls in school

by Chris

No doubt it has happen to all of us long hair lovers during our years in school. If you're still in school, maybe you're lucky enough to have had it happen recently or are having it happen right now.

Some beautiful, long haired girl gets to sit right on front of you with her lovely long hair cascading down over her shoulders and neck. You can't help but look at the hair and are so very tempted to reach out and touch it. Hell, you've probably grabbed little stray hairs near her hair on her shirt without her knowing. Situations like this for us long hair lovers are so painfully torturous because we so badly want to touch the hair but can't. However, As torturous as they are, they're also immensely satisfying because we're so close to the hair and get a real good look at it.

So what are your memories of having a beautiful girl with long hair sitting in front of you in class during school?