"Why is the world so cruel" mo

by C.C.

Went to Wal Mart last night as a favor to buy some cold medicine stuff for a friend. It was crazy for the day after Christmas.

Anyway... saw this goddess of a Rapunzel girl. About 20 or so I'd guess. Hispanic if I had to guess, light skinned and maybe 5'2". Beautiful face and smile with classic length brown, perfectly wavy hair that shot down her torso at a 45 degree angle like brown rays of sunshine. It had to be at least 3 feet long and it was absolutely stunning. Her hair was draped across the front of her body for a while her hands were out holding each side as if she were holding ski poles, but in fact the "poles" were her hair to give you an idea what I mean. I even watched her wrap it around her body at one point so both ends touched along her spine and it was a beautiful sight to see, for some reason.

So... I wasn't there for too long but we wound up passing each other at least 3-4 times (not planned by me, strangely enough) and I was dying to say something... just wanted to compliment her... but she was with this guy who looked so damn goofy and ugly at the same time... (nothing like her so I will assume they were not related, but in fact a couple if I had to guess I'm afraid) like I'm talking the type of guy where you look at him and KNOW that automatically you are 10x more attractive than he is-- I'm not kidding. But I digress...

At some point I was in the vicinity of the pharmacy section and she and the guy came by... and I overheard/saw them looking at pregnancy tests... and he said to her "this seems so embarassing, haven't felt this embarassed in a while..." and he reached up (he was probably 8 inches taller than her if not more) and grabbed a test.

All the while I'm thinking a) You lucky bastard, and

b) Why is the world so cruel to me? (by that I mean, gorgeous girl nearby with an ugly man by her side, who, had she been alone, I could totally have flirted with her).

Anyone ever have one of those "why is the world so cruel" moments? Just curious.
