Re: Re: Re: whats your best hair story??

by fetishforlonghair

yes beer was involved while this son of a bitch was being typed up!

"a late summer night at the theme park, my hand clutching the smooth soft little hand of Chantels, the scent of citranella burning candles and cotton candy, as we approached the line to make the final ride.

earlier in the afternoon, we spoke of how this magical adventure was going to play out as the cincinnati sky was nearing the final stages of sunset, and sidewalk streetlamps began to illuminate the paths around us while mosquitoes began to take notice of this artificial light as they began to flock to the glow.

rubbing my thumb along the base of chantels wrist, slightly massaging it in a circular motion, we casually glanced up at the embassy-like structure, its silouette barely visible amid the almost dark backdrop. a cool breeze blew in

under the cedar walkway that was lined with about 15 people and i slowly closed my eyes while anxiously gripping her hand even tighter.

coming to, with my free left hand, i reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of camels and plucked a smoke and, with a swift click of the zippo, took one long inhalation of tobacco. My genitals were just burning with the

temptation of being pleased this late evening and i immediately thought back to the experience a few years ago when i was caressed by that long haired brunette at the nightclub and i was hoping for an exact replica of events to occur here at the apex of the ferris wheel.

finger-locked, me and chantel maneuvered even closer to the front of the line as i overheard someone mention behind me that barry larkin just knocked in the game-winning hit for the hometown reds and i sensed a sure victory of my own as the attendant was gesturing for the passengers to seat themselves securely in the buckets for their ascent upwards into the heavens, a place that i already felt was in my grasp here at ground-level.

as i finished my cigarette, i let it drop to the blackdrop and stomped it out with my sandal to ensure that only one fire would remain lit for the enduring time!

'you two are next' and i realized that we were finally at the front of the line and i glanced over at chantel with a look of wickedness as we couldnt believe that we were actually gonna do this but the approaching twilight made matters much easier as a hair job could be pulled off with only the moon visible.

as the turnstyle made its circumference, i hoisted chantel into the opened sky-like carriage and the attendant closed our door and reminded us to stay seated during the duration of the ride.

taking another deep breath, i watched with a marvel as chantel slowly tossed her hair and told me to buckel up cause i was gonna be in for a wild ride of my own! i almost shit in my pants and had to keep from figidting in my seat, across from her cross-legged little body, and i looked off to my left as the sun finally disappeared over the horizon and the cincinnati skyline was lit up marvelously with its skyscrapers and sports complexes.

'aint talkin bout love' by van halen made a continuous loop inside my mental jukebox and the slow hum of the motor signaled the commensement of the ferris wheels rotation.

like an elevator, we rose in slight fashion as the passengers above and below were in their own train of thought and i gave chantel a little wink and from there, i layed stomach-up on the bench and unzipped my khakis. slipping off my sandals, i dangled my feet out of the cage, between the steel rods, and let the cool wind rush between my toes from 150 feet above the ground. grasping the rods behind me i let chantel do her thing!

rising from her own seat, she knelt besides me and took a quick glance over her shoulder to notice the back of an older man lost in conversation with his fellow companion in their own bucket so we were in complete privacy and could relax and enjoy the experience.

chantel leaned forward and her soft thick brunette hair rained downed over my dick and entrapped it completely to where it was hidden from view. Wanting to close my eyes but not wanting to miss this visual phenomenom, i watched as she bobbed her head up and down like she was giving a blow job but instead her hair did the caressing and not her mouth as the ends of her mane tickled my crotch and the sides of my thighs much like a cat tickles your ankles with its tail as it slyly moves on by.

the tops of trees gave me a pre-warning that the ferris wheel was making its first rotation towards the ground and i whispered to chantel to pull her head up and sit up like nothing was going on as we passed the specators in line at the bottom and this was an awesome feeling for me because it wasnt a constant pleasuring experience but there would always be breaks in between which would drive me nuts since i was just begging for more as the ferris wheel made each complete spin and chantel would have to rush and rush as the structure went skyward and then make that turn back towards the bottom again.

five minutes was about all we were allotted and so chantel began to quicken her pace as the sky was completely dark now and only the moonlight shone on the inside of our bucket but my attention was on her hair which i could not see now but just feel as it ebbed and flowed across my genitals like waves on a beach, back and forth, back and forth.

to make the situation a little more extreme, i yelled 'woooooo' as loud as i could just to get the attention of others on the ferris wheel since they couldnt see us anyway and they just figured that i was some young kid having the time of his life, if they only knew!

'put your hair in your mouth and suck it' i suggested and chantel obeyed and began to circle her head around my shaft with her hair in a more precise manner like bristles on a paintbrush across an easel and i was beginning to feel my cum rise up the inside of my dick like mercury in a thermometer as the ferris began to slow on its final way up and then stop right at the top.

figuring that the passengers at the bottom were being let off, i whispered to chantel to pull up and save this experience for something even better, the roller coaster!

she giggled and asked me how we could pull off a hair job when we are buckled into our seats and i told her that there is a way and we will have the time of our lives doing so and she laughed and said alright if i say so as she rose from her knees and sat back onto her bench with a look of wonderment while trying to figure out what i had up my sleeve for us next.

still lying on my back, i pulled up my boxers and pants and sat back up while putting on my sandals as the ferris wheel began to move again as bucket by bucket was being emptied of less interesting people.

glancing back out to the left again, i noticed the flickering of lights in some of the windows of the buildings in downtown cincinnati as my emotions and sense of detail were at a high from the extreme sexual arousal.

when it was finally our turn to exit the ferris wheel, the attendant opened our doors and i hoisted chantel out of our little hair job carriage back onto the pavement and the gentleman told us to enjoy the rest of our time at the amusement park which was a plan that was already made!"