Re: whats your best hair story????

by fetishforlonghair

busch and miller beer at 2 in the morning inspires me to write bullshit like this!

"The roll was beginning to take a strong effect now as I sat in that leather couch, which had been my safe haven for the past 45 minutes while the weight of my crotch prevented me from moving from that relaxed cross-legged position, and I began to take more notice of the aroma in the room as each person passed by. A blue and red strobe light, which was a nonchalant flicker earlier in the evening, now became the focal point of my attention as the bass from the subwoofers created a slow burning erection, and the vibrating pulse massaged my genitalia while my legs and feet began to lose feeling. Even my upper body started to feel lifelessness and only my sexual organs were alive and awake.

John Digweed, the man who began this journey for me, was up on the decks spinning music that would make the gates of heaven seem like an armreach away from reality as track after track was unleashed in a whirling effect throughout this superclub.

Red, blue, red, blue was the rotation that I was mezmorized by as my stare fixed on the floor while people danced the night away. So close, but so far away, were these individuals as I could never imagine rising from this hole on the sofa and joining the masses in this epic affair.

Then, the act of God brought power to my soul as SHE walked by. My eyes turned into laser beams as everything else in the world was shut out from my view and only her body was my visible target. Hair that only you dream about, lusciously long, dark chocolate threads followed her every move as her ass swiveled in a tight little motion. A black tank top which revealed a green dragon tattoo on her lower backside, partially hidden by her rich brunette hair, was as half-revealing as her apparel. Black leather pants, which appeared to have been painted on her ass and legs, glistened under the lights above, and a sliver of drool began to run down the side of my mouth before I even realized it.

This person CANT be real, I was saying to myself because in all of my lonely nights, THIS was the exact woman that I was always dreaming about! Wiping away the spittle from my chin, a lump began to form in my throat, the type of lump that men only get when they are so turned on, it hurts, you know the feeling. Diggy was tempting me with his infamous "Hong Kong" album and was turning up the juice on my emotions, turning fear into ecstasy.

I felt so fucked up that I didnt think that there was a chance that I could go up to this woman and grind her like my two nuts were begging me to do. But, it seemed as though her little ass was just asking to be thrusted and it appeared from my vantage point that this woman was dancing for me and ONLY me!

My breath was beginning to fade in and out, but I was still in full control of my mind and body movements and so I gathered enough strength to lift myself from the billowly cloud that I was sitting on, which is what it felt like, and I maneuvered over to the bar and made a feeble motion for a bottle of water. I didnt even know what in the hell I was doing at the time, but somehow I managed to pull out something from my left pocket and the bartender was satisfied by whatever denomination that it was, and I quickly quaffed the liquid in about 10 seconds flat.

As I turned to face the dance floor again, SHE was glancing in my direction as if she knew with a 6th sense that I rose from my seat, even though her back was facing me, and her big brown eyes absolutely took over my already orgasmic-like condition and the puppy-dog mystique of her stare was like a kaleidoscope that circled my head with thoughts and feelings of all sorts of things that I cannot put into this story because it wouldnt make any sense to anybody else.

A warm smile, that melted my heart right then and there, finally sparked my cylinders enough for me to make my move. I was just begging with my alarm clock to not go off so I could continue this dream that I was in, but then I realized that it was NOT a dream, but in fact a moment that was as real as the empty water bottle that I clutched in my right hand.

Stephanie then slowly tossed her hair over her left shoulder and let it drape over her arm and then she leaned her head down and began to erotically sniff the elegant aromatic freshness of her own glory as if she was just teasing me to come on over and give her a rock.

Red, blue, red, blue gave way to a massively-clear strobe light as Digweed was hitting the climatic part of his set and the energy was absolutely electric in the building as the thousands of specatators threw their arms in the air in sequence to one of Diggys greatest tunes!

As the flickering pounded into my eyes, Stephanie rose her head just slightly enough to make contact with my own line of sight and gave a sexy little wink and smirk and then leaned all the way forward letting her hair drape all over the dance floor. Her ass perked up in the back, the strobe light reflecting off of her smooth leather pants, she bobbed her head back and forth in a circular motion and then quickly flipped her head back up with hair flying all over the place, like a spiders web, and that was it!

Dropping the water bottle to the ground, I made a straight bee-line in her direction and she began to lean back and crotch-dance into my direction as I did likewise. As our bodies met, I could actually feel her own hotness through her pants against my mercury-like groin. Grabbing my hands around her soft little exposed waistline, her hair tickling my wrists, I turned her back to me and thrusted my crotch up against her tight leather ass while keeping my hands stationed on her hips avoiding most of her hair for as long I could to see how long I could take it.

But still, I couldnt hide from the delicious strawberry Herbal Essence scent of her lovely brunette tresses and my breath, which was more of an animal pant by this time, inhaled every last drop of that aroma until that was all I could smell. Ahh, her perfume, a brand that I have never found the name of, but have loved since way back in early high school, is THE type of perfume that I call the "getting laid perfume" because any woman, young or old, hot or not, becomes a sexual magnet to me whenever they wear this particular perfume, and I have no idea to this day what its called, but Stephanie just absolutely had everything going for her and this scent did something to the male testosterone level that nothing else could do. Pheremones, I believe, but I thought that I couldnt get any hornier than what I was already feeling, but this perfume stepped it up a few more notches and I couldnt even feel my own crotch anymore, it was so numb from arousal, and my feet were not even there, I was floating on a light hammock on that dance floor.

Digweed, Digweed, Digweed, YOU are the man I was thinking to myself as the world just stopped revolving and only me and Stephanie were present in this fairy tale. As if Johnnyboy knew that I was getting ready to explode my build-up, he methodically dropped a slow bassline track that was just exceptionally perfect for a slow-grind dance and this immediately turned Stephanie into a sexual frenzy and she began to thrust her own hips in and out, back and forth, in and out, back and forth, and my crotch just kept in tune to her small, little beautiful ass.

As we grinded, she couldnt even keep her own hands off of her hair, as I was wanting to touch it as well, but the bigger turn-on was for me to NOT touch it as much as I could help myself so I could continue the ascent and build-up for the best climatic moment possible.

Every few moments, she would toss that long-assed mane over her shoulders as if she was pleading for me to ask her for a hair-job and eventually I had to crack. Whispering into her left ear, I asked if we could go upstairs to talk, upstairs being the chillout room of this nightclub, but in this case, there were secret booths that couples could go into to do "whatever" and the next thing that I knew was that I was being led up a circular black metal staircase to a place of unknown, as my roll was hitting a super-high, and all that I have just told you made NO sense to me at this time since I was in a state of "no-mans-land" where I couldnt remember at all how I met this woman and why we were going up to these private booths.

At one point, before we reached the second floor, which overlooked the main floor where Digweed was about 2/3 of the way through his set, I ACTUALLY thought that I was dead and was in my first stage of the after-life because I was holding hands with a woman that seemed TOO ficticious to be real, and I thought that she was leading me UP to heaven and I made the assumption that the drug that I was on caused me to die sometime earlier in the night and this was my first taste of the bliss of Gods creation!

Stephanie led me to the 4th booth on the upper floor, which was lit up only by a few illuminating black lights, and when she smiled back at me, only her teeth were clearly visible. She knocked on the door, to no response, and quickly we were inside this dressing room-sized closet and I was so confused as to why I was here and what was going to happen.

Just then, a feeling of deja-vu swept over my soul as a song, that I believe is something that Ive heard from a Gatecrasher album before, played during Digweeds set, and it was the SAME SONG that I heard last night during the later stages of a long dream that I was embarking on, and all I remember was the chorus that said, "Am I rea-dy toooo flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" and I was really thinking that I was dead and just accepted this fact and enjoyed the rest of this evening.

Stephanie pulled off her tank top and I couldnt feel anything on my body except for my crotch, but at the same time, I had a feeling of withdrawal, which kept me from shooting out too early, so I could still relax and take these next moments nice and slow.

Her breasts were of an average size, but that wasnt her main attraction, and then I believe that I passed out after that for just a moment because the next thing that I noticed was that she was completely naked and I was having my clothes removed too as well.

Out of nowhere, I was completely naked and so was Stephanie and then she leaned over again, just like she did earlier in the evening, and let her hair entangle around my cock, which to me seemed more erect than it ever has been, but I for one was too fucked up to make an estimate, and two the roll could have caused my dick to puff up more than normal, much to her liking!

The feeling around my crotch came back enough to feel the softness of her tangled, massively thick brunette mane and it seemed to me that someone was swabbing my dick with a piece of cotton since that was how delicate her hair was.

Not speaking the entire night, Stephanie finally told me that she wanted to please me as much as she could since no man had ever asked her for a hair job before, and she probably felt as though this was a new method of turning on a man and I believe I heard her say, "Baby, I wanna massage you until your balls are bone dry!"

The background tune of an old anthem that Digweed was throwing down, to warn the crowd that his set was nearing its end, "Heaven Scent", was a clear indication that I was indeed dead and that this was a scent from one of heavens angels, but I couldnt see her face since her hair was entirely covering it as it was being tossed around my genitalia and all of a sudden, the pit of my stomach began to burn like the hottest fire you could ever imagine, as if the feeling to my lower half had suddenly come back into action, and I had this emourous desire to piss like my kidneys were about to burst, but instead I reared back, and instead of peeing, I grunted like a wounded animal and unleashed an enourmous amount of cum on my first contraction, and shot a load, that missed her hair somehow, and landed on the back wall about 5 feet in distance, and then my body convulsed like I was about to throw up, but then, a warm feeling of ejaculation swept over my scrotum, and I calmy sprayed out load after load while moaning like a massage patient for the next 30 seconds into her jungle of hair, completely saturating it in a sticky element, and instead of freaking out, she leaned back and let out a scream that was probably heard by others nearby in the adjacent booths, and she convulsed like she was having a massive seizure and exploded her female goo all around the floor of the booth, and the next thing that I knew was that I was waking up in my bed the next morning feeling as relaxed as someone who had just slept for 3 days straight!"