Hi There....

by ninja

Hi Maliyah...

Great to hear that everything is going great with You. Your picture didn't link, that's because pictures from yahoo never hot-link to another website... i've taken the liberty to repost some of Your yahoo pix here...

i wasn't sure what picture You initially linked to, but in these pix Your new bangs are clearly visible

[If there's any problem, just tell me and i'll delete them imediately]

... And some of 'The Old' Maliyah without bangs...

So, You were asking our opinion about Your bangs... my personal opinion: honoustly i don't like bangs too much.. Embarrassed .

if i were You, i'd definitaly grow them longer, at least that they fall over Your eyes [like the picture of You in the school uniform]...

But that's just my opinion... For the rest You luck STUNNING Maliyah, thanx so much for sharing Tongue Sticking Out and welcome back here

Kiss Rose


