my streetshots frum 2day

by pc

1st let me say:

these r 'fare' pics took with a cheap

digital camera set to take 120 pics.

they cum out 1.5mb sew i compressed them

to 100k and uploaded all of them to

a new group i just created 4 us.

[post messages here., not thar]

i'm uploadin, azz we speek>>>>>>>>>

steve, i got a shot u'll like.

i didn't know it when i took the pic

and didn't understand why she turned around

and looked straight at me after the shot.

now that if seen the pic,,,,,,,

''eyez got caught in the mirror''.

last pic. lol

man,,,,i had a great hairday.

these ladies and winches had their hair down,

for the most part.[lotta feathers hangin]

eyez saw them,,BUTT,,i didn't get all

the pics i wanted because i had the

wife and 2 grangdaughters with me.[pic20]

the girl with the longest [red] hair

was almost behind a guy be4 i got the shot.

she had it in a ponytail with, about, 5 ties,

every foot r so. she was so pretty.[pic71]

the hair [blonde] eyez liked the most

was leaning against a tree, 4 the shot.[pic74]

wish ya'll could have seen it all....

some reason, the redheads kept catching my eye.

there was one, in particular, bra strap long,

cut straight across and was in perfect shape.

not a broke r streched hair on her head.

i was in aw [aw, man..WOW!][pic56]

4 touch pics

red, i thought of u when i took pic23


pic20 was asian

valerie hair in 22,29,30,35

in 32 she was holding it off to one side.

24-26 maypole was the girl frum my coffie shop

that i sea 5 days a week. anya hair and 40,,no,,39

notice the redheaded harp player.[pic69, of course]

it was in a braid, to her lap and

was graying under her scarf.

beautiful,,,,the music,2.

3.08mbs of the 3.44mbs uploaded.

guess i'll shut up n post my

Scarborough Faire 2004 S T R E E T S H O T S

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