thanks 2 longfour

by pc

he used up 83% of his 30mb space, the first day

i'll put a great pic, thar,,if u will light bulb

i don't think we have a limit at

thar's thousands of lh pics

i need 3 more members to make 500.

you,,,you and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you.

please cum join. i approve new members twice daily.

i'll invite u3 to our next party.

the last one got crowded

steve got drunk and fell of his stool

got wet

and missed this shot

ok ok

i'll shut up

life IS good, vino. thanks

no big deal,,BUTT,,after i joined

i click a few files. they were dead


i clicked photos and got an error page.

i'll try again, later.

now we part
