Just had sex with floor-length hair girl

by uuu@uuu.uu

Yo guys,

just want to share the joy... I met this 20 something girl with almost floor-lenght thick blonde hair some time ago and, tadadadada, after some time, we had a full afternoon of sex in my office today... slightly unexpected, yes...

It was freaking joyful... I played out many of my fantasies... It was also a bit of surprise to find out that the hair indeed does get in the way at times

She also has massive boobs which is a total killer combination for me. You can do quite a few fun things with knee-long braid and the biiiig boobs... geez

It was first time for me to get the fantasy real. For so many many many years I've dreamt of this (with a strong help of this forum indeed)

What surprised me:

- how freaking exciting it is to have the fantasies realized. I always thought that in real life, the fantasy wouldn't be so strong. Damn it was!

- how cool a combination is that long hair and huge boobs. Holy cow I'm getting aroused as I write it

- that the hair can get messy very fast

- that it can get in the way indeed

- that once you can't see how long it is, it gets less exciting.... hard to describe what I mean, but it's about the visual beauty of floor length hair that's quite hard to appreciate during many stages of sex

- and of course, that the girl wasn't just hair and boobs but such a sweetheart too

So long.



PS - if you feel like flaming, this really is a real story. I just need to share my feelings somewhere and trust me, I can't go to any of my friends with this, so there we go, my comrades on this board.

Oh, and please don't ask for photos, don't have any