I am not qPhen! Don't call me qPhen!!!

by lurker

Please don't ever call me qPhen!

My father worked the docks back in the late 50's. He worked alongside qPhen's father. They were long time friends that would often go have a beer after their shift ended or get together on the weekends and tinker with an old truck they were trying to refurbish. Their wifes became close and once both families got together at Thanksgiving, That all changed however when after unloading a rail car full of canned hams at the dock, the foreman confronted the workers. It seemed two of the hams had gone missing and the foreman wanted to know if anyone took them. qPhen's father pointed out my father as the culprit. Now to be fair, my father did steal those hams. My Dad got fired, but was given a nice severance. Ironically, he also got a gift certificate to the local grocer for a free ham.

I remember that night vividly as my Dad came home drunk and angry. He took it out on my mother and me by refusing to join in on our nightly game of canasta. Mom had made his favorite meatballs and tomato casserole that night and he refused to eat it opting instead to have graham crackers and peanut butter. Mom was devastated. She packed up our belongings and mother and me left home never to return. I haven't seen my father since, all because of qPhens' father.

So please, don't call me qPhen. I hope that man and his family rots in hell.