Re: Re: penny

by Bill

There are not any publically available pics of Penny in regards to her lighter hair color. The length of hair a person can acheive is predicated on several factors, all contributing to the general overall health of the hair. The equation in all this is what length that person can grow or wants to grow their hair relative to their physical and biological limits. For instance blonds cannot typically acheive a healthy length past their butt, because their hair shaft is not as strony or thick. Possible, but not as likely as a brunette, because their hair is typically thicker in diameter. Penny has stronger, healthier hair since she cut some of the length, of the thinning ends of her hair. Her hair is growing faster, we measure periodically. She is able to color her hair lighter, because her hair in healthy all the way down the length. I prefer long hair of any color so long as it is healthy. Be patient, her hair is back past the crack of her ass. She also does a very deep treatment after every color application. Sorry, too wordy.