Re: Re: Penny

by Anya

I'm sure Penny is sleeping much better since PC expressed his sorrow...

However, in Penny's defense (not that she needs it)... whether her hair is waist length or butt length, her hair is still LONG.

Considering some of the pics/links posted here, whereas bra-strap length is supposed to constitute as 'long'... which IMHO, is NOT long, Penny's hair at whatever her current length, passes the length-o-meter hands down.

If she wants to go to a lighter shade that pleases her, let her happily do so without passing any silly judgment, gents. I think something you need to keep in mind is... we ladies keep our hair the way we want, for ourselves, above anything and everyone. We're the ones who have to maintain it, pamper it, love it, deal with tangles, keep from sitting on it & getting it caught on almost everything when wearing it down, etc., etc.

And trich, I didn't mean to jump your post... my comments are for the general population of readers here.

