Re: Re: Re: A long hair pick up question

by Mike

When I was in Highschool, hot girls used to chase me arround (like guys back then used to chase girls arround), and all the guys were jealuos off it. But the irrony was, my mom raised me to never date or have girlfreinds untill I am near marring age. So the more ID brush them off, the more they hit on me, so now 14 years later or 14 years out of Highschool, I am ready to marry. But I have no clue how to meet girls equally as attractive as I , actually I couldn't hooh up with a ugly gal even.

I just never developed a 'Social IQ"!

I the envy of HighSchool mates - when I was being smart and not wasting time dating - I am who has no gme, I don't know what the poster was complaing about, he only has issue with long hair gals.

I love long hair gals, butto me any hot lady would be nice, because I am a great catch in that In that I don't ever do drugs, never mean to any female ever, intrested in a billion different subjects - but shy!

And most hot ladies would grow thier hair if you treat them knice for a year or 2 before asking.

But back to me- WHAT DO I DO!!!

How do I meet kind, openminded, hot ladies (keep i mind ugly ladies are meaner to me then hot ladies - not that any hot ladie has been mean - but on 4 occasions as a experiment I walked up to 4 hot women and then 4 average ladies and complimented them by saing "excuse me miss - I think you are good looking" at which point each one says nothing back just looks egotistically at me. I then say" are you single" and they say "no".

But see how dumb I am at finding women, ugly or hot, I got no game.

yet I am way more handsome then 99% of men.

I see ordinary to ugly men even average back men with White wifes who are hotter then Bucks Cheerleaders! So if some guy can meet a lady of a differnt race. How come I as a Tan caucasian can't meet Caucasian chicks, I have no race barrier to jump.