Who The Heck Are You__ Please Do Tell

by The Pope Website: Long Hair Thai dot com

I do not condemn anyone for a personal choice or life style. Never have never will. To each his own. If you can not see any humor in the comment I made then I truely feel sorry for you. I believe the original poster sees the humor. Please open your eyes to what other people may see as unique but not harmful or bad in any way. Shut up, sit down and enjoy each others opinion. This is a open forum (private as it may be) and I do not and never will have to conform to your self centered opinions. Go ahead and vote for Mrs Bill. I am truely sorry if I have hurt anyones feelings but yours coward. Please spend your time a little more usefull going after kiddy porn, spammers or democrats. We are suppose to be adults here, please post accordingly.

Bless You.

The Pope