cummentary on humiliation

by pc

may i speek freely and without getting flamed? ty.

buns are not my thang,,BUTT,,i wood stick my wood in one,,BUTT,,no way, wood i cum in it.

i would, really, like to know what it is about cummin in longhair.

it's messy, 2 start with.

like most guys, i pass out, after i cum [unless it's b4 work] and,

really, don't feel like us showering, afterwards. [4shore, she doesn't either]

is it, kinda like, marking your territory? _______________

it is, like, humiliation/peeing on her, 2 me.

repost: ''3 purrrrrfect holes, and the guy''

man, some of this stuff on the net is gross.

i was watching a chanta movie [posted at PCs]

and turned it off after a few minutes.

['tuff' chanta 'humiliates' her subjects. {¢¢=dom=dumb}]

side note: no offence ment to the posters/uploaders. rule at PCs/hair is 'post'm'if'u'got/find'm' and 'each'2'their'own'.

''i love domino'' and that's a fact


i watched her do an anal/ass-lick movie [posted at PCs]

and it was gross............humiliating..........deleted frum my files.

man, what these girls will do for a buck....

xxxample last 3 pix

side[burn] note:

have you noticed her hair cut? wierd, huh.?.

i guess, i'm, just, not into 'kink'. [where's the love?]

''a longhair woman is my equal''

[and that's saying something ¢s i'm #1 on my list]

i will allways treat a longhair woman with respect

and never do/say anythang that is humiliating.

yes, i post 'cum shot' links/series


it's for the lh pix and the fantacy, within.

you won't find a 'cum shot' in my gigglebites of longhair files.

there is a market for this stuff, though.

i, just, wanna know why?

note: john holmes once said

''they [producers/directors] make us cum on them to show the viewer

that we really are cumming and not faking it, like the girls'' lol



btw, guys: this, 2star, movie

is now showing at

and the password/reason, to get in ^, is longhair.