before and after pix Sad

by ninja

OMG! i hate that show!!!

The article is about Cassandra Whitehead from America's Next Top Model

some quote's from the interview:

...Moving on, I happen to love your haircut!


I have gotten a lot of compliments on the length, but the blonde [color] was a definite no-go. I went home and people completely ignored the fact that I had cut off two feet of hair. They just said, "You're blonde? What were they thinking?"

That's a popular question at the moment.


Now that I'm back to being a brunette, I'm getting a lot of compliments. I don't think that the short hair necessarily looked bad, but it lacks versatility. Long hair is a form of self-expression....

Come on. What does long hair say about you besides, “Hey, I have long hair”?


I think it's classic and feminine and has a lot more versatility. You can do just about anything with it, whereas right now I'm stuck with hair that's difficult to do anything with.

If you'd become a model, they would have given you extensions every other week. They do it on the show all the time.


I don't know if the cameras caught this or not, but at the challenge we had last week, the hairdressers were frustrated that my hair was that short, because they couldn't do anything with it. They wanted everyone to have the same sort of Renaissance braid look, and they couldn't do it because my hair wasn't long enough. They were not happy at all! I don't think they would show that, though, because it goes against what the panel said. But it made me even more frustrated. Now my hair is growing out a little bit more, and it's at a length where I've sort of accepted it. It's more of a "feminine" short and less of a "masculine" short.

... these are some "before" pix of her:

and here's a video:

Now look what they've done Cry Cry Cry