''Nice Idea, but how do you will practice such a collection sharing???''
i like what george is doing. he is into his 3rd zip/upload of pix that
are ''the best of'' his collection. turboupload.com/ 70mb limit
''I collected photos from longhaired girls since 1994 and now I have more than 50.000 pictures of "normal" longhair and more then 15.000 pictures and videos
from nudity/porn longhaired girls and 1000 pictures of own longhaired models-
Do you know, how much time I was for these collection in the internet and how much money it costs?''
[you didn't pay, did you???] i paid for playboys, back 4b internet
[these are , still, under the seat of my truck. xxxcuse the 'stains']
drag the frog boxxxes to the top and lego
''And how do you will manage for instance 3 or 4 of such big collections- a lot of pictures
are than double and triple and all users have the own management system for the filesaving!!!''
i quit worrying about it and got a 160gig xxxternal harddrive
[i have a few pics n clips, myself]
i start a new folder, once a month, and send the old folder to cd back-up and then to my new harddrive, 4 ez access.
pics n clips, eyez save, now, have the posters name on the end.
[boy, i have lots of longhairlovin friends and i will never forget them, now]
''Sorry for my bad english (I am a German) but I hope you understand my arguments!''
i think i do/did. thanks for your imput.
hope you surf at PCs, 2
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